Tracy Towns is a songwriter/guitarist/bassist/vocalist from Peiria, IL. Due to Tracy’s incredibily busy schedule, with a full time job and a side audio/video business, he does not have a band at this time.
He utilizes what little spare time he can get writing and recording music in his studio (with the occasional help of his wife Rita with lyrics). As a result of starting out as a bass player, Tracy is probably the only metal guitarist who always finger picks when he plays. Tracy’s music is influenced by many of his favorite bands, such as Megadeth, Pantera, Black Sabbath, and a little bit of everything heavy from the 70′s to current music.
apr 29 2011
He utilizes what little spare time he can get writing and recording music in his studio (with the occasional help of his wife Rita with lyrics). As a result of starting out as a bass player, Tracy is probably the only metal guitarist who always finger picks when he plays. Tracy’s music is influenced by many of his favorite bands, such as Megadeth, Pantera, Black Sabbath, and a little bit of everything heavy from the 70′s to current music.
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