RADIO SUE – „…Alles Nur Gespielt“

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(Self – released) 2014.
CD – Rock/melodic rock/pop rock – AUSTRIA

RADIO SUE..Alles Nur Gespielt..CDCoverOut of Austria comes a Radio Sue quartet with female fronted singer in its line-up. They have introduced to wider audience with debut CD, entitled „…Alles Nur Gespielt“ where we can find a 12 tracks in. Austrians are on territory of melodic rock and power pop/rock options, where some so call romantic 80’s influences comes to mind as well.

Complete present materials are listenable, even if most of the songs are different among them, some are slower, other are faster, and another are done in mid to mid-up tempo. In its arrangements we can also find some ska and reggae influences, but that also belong to mentioned 80’s flavor too. I have to add that production is also oriented more to 80’s period, than to nowadays standards, but that was a band’s decision. Radio Sue with their musical direction will certainly find more fans, who’s interesting fields belongs to older school, than to modern melodic rock/pop options.

Radio Sue..Band FotoIz nekada nam granično susedne Austrije dolazi sastav Radio Sue, inače kvartet u postavi, sa ženskom pevačicom prijatnih vokalnih mogućnosti. Predstavili su se širem auditorijumu albumom naziva ..“ Alles Nur Gespielt“, na kojem se našlo 12 songova. Bend je na terenu melodičnog rocka i pop/rocka sa takođe evidentnim uticajima po njih romantičnih 80-tih godina.

Pesme su različite među sobom, neku su brže, druge laganije, a dobar deo materijala urađen je u srednjem ili malo bržem srednjem tempu. Takođe ima par balada. Sve u svemu može se reći da je starija varijanta pristupa, koja je naslonjena na 80-te godine, nešto iza čega grupa u potpunosti stoji, a i sama produkcija postavljena je i realizovana na taj način, i mnogo je manje oslonjena na tkzv. zakonitosti sadašnjeg vremena. Radio Sue sa svojim albumom i ponuđenim konceptom daleko više mogu biti zanimljivi fanovima koji su okrenuti zvuku zlatnih 80-tih, nego što mogu biti intersantni novijim generacijama…
