TORCHIA – „Ending Begining“

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Melodic death metal – FINLAND

TORCHIA..Ending Begining..CDCoverTorchia is a five member death metal band from Tempere, Finland, active from some period ago. In 2013 , a group has released first demo, simply titled „One“. During the actual 2015 year, with new singer in its line-up, a Finnish fellows recorded a still actual product, EP with three tracks in, named „Ending Begining“.

Torchia is a powerful act, musically precise, with strong melodic includings. They are influental with the older school variants, but I have to add, that its sound also posses enough original details. Many speed/thrash includings as same with  power metal additionals, a group has presented in its performing exposures.  Songs have been followed by cristal production and precise arrangments includings too.

As a band Torchia also did a lotta efforts in own promotional campaign, and it seems that all the things are going from this moment in expecting way. We’ll see what the future brings, but there’s no doubt that the „Ending Begining“ clearly covers a growing group potential.

Iz Temperea, Finska dolazi sastav Torchia, koji deluje u formaciji kvinteta. Postoje neko kraće vreme, a prvi put su se diskografski oglasili realizacijom demo izdanja jednostavno nazvanog – „One“. Nakon toga menjaju pevača, a tokom ove 2015-e, realizuju drugi po redu produkt, EP sa tri songa  –  “ Ending Begining“

Iako su donekle inficirani starijom školom, čini se da im originalnosti ne nedostaje. Izvode varijantu melodic death metala, koji je dopunjen speed/thrash dodacima, kao i priključivanjima power elemenata. Samu matricu prati jasna i ubedljiva produkcija, kao i dobro upakovani aranžmani.

Moram pohvaliti bend da je do sada uradio prilično, što se tiče sopstvene promocije i marketinga, i čini se da i u tom smeru stvari  sigurno drže u vlastitim rukama.

„Ending Begining“ pokazuje da bar za sada grupa poseduje vidljiv i naglašen potencijal, što je svakako dobar zalog za buduće dane.