prog rock, progressive, experimental, instrumental, improv improvisation
Band Members:
Paul M., Dennis, Paula, Mike, Paul E. and David.
Los Angeles
Bio: THE GREAT DECEIVERS is an L.A. based band that pays tribute to art rock titans King Crimson. They primarily focus on the creatively fertile early 70’s repertoire, but also explore selections from the guitar-driven 80’s and 90’s. Formed in 2008 by Paul Morris Siqueiros, TGD strive to master every nuance of the deep and challenging epics that King Crimson is famous for, faithfully reproducing the unique textures and experimental improvisations. TGD offer audiences an opportunity to enjoy this timeless music live and re-experience the innovative ideas that influenced legions of musicians, from Genesis to Primus to Tool. Long Live the Crimson Kings!!! Songs include 21st CSM, Fracture, Vrooom Vrooom, Etc….
sep 11 2016
Born on August 22, 2008
prog rock, progressive, experimental, instrumental, improv improvisation
Band Members:
Paul M., Dennis, Paula, Mike, Paul E. and David.
Los Angeles
THE GREAT DECEIVERS is an L.A. based band that pays tribute to art rock titans King Crimson. They primarily focus on the creatively fertile early 70’s repertoire, but also explore selections from the guitar-driven 80’s and 90’s. Formed in 2008 by Paul Morris Siqueiros, TGD strive to master every nuance of the deep and challenging epics that King Crimson is famous for, faithfully reproducing the unique textures and experimental improvisations. TGD offer audiences an opportunity to enjoy this timeless music live and re-experience the innovative ideas that influenced legions of musicians, from Genesis to Primus to Tool. Long Live the Crimson Kings!!! Songs include 21st CSM, Fracture, Vrooom Vrooom, Etc….
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Tribute Acts •