THE MARSHALS – Les Courriers Session“

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the-marshals-les-couriers-session-cover(Freemount Records) 2016.
Rock/blues rock – FRANCE


Few days ago I have received a new cassette release from French „Freemount Records“, and this is actual album from also French group – The Marshals.

This is their 4th issue, and as I know them very well from its previous releases, I have to say, that same, or better to say, similar performing options can be seen here and there.

A group has introduced themselves with 8 tracks in, done in rock/blues rock manner. This is also a longest session release, where specific atmosphere with constant improvisations characterize complete material as well. Maybe we can find some technical difficulties, but positive session atmosphere and some old school vibrations eleminate all other unperfect details.
The Marshals are on their expected side, still with same attitudes and approaches.

the-marshals-band-picturePre koji dan stiglo mi je novo izdanje francuskog „Freemount Recordsa“,  a reč je o aktuelnom  albumu  sastava – The Marshals.

To je njihovo 4-to po redu ostvarenje, a kako ova izdavačka kuća svoja izdanja objavljuje i neguje na nosaču zvuka koja se zove kaseta, i ovo izdanje se može naći u pomenutom formatu.
Francuski bend sam imao prilike da upoznam preko njihovih prethodnih ostvarenja, i manje-više imao sam  predznanje o onome što u muzičkom smislu nude. A sve ono što se moglo čuti na njihovim prošlim albumima, prisutno je gotovo u istovetnoj meri i na aktuelnom izdanju.

The Marshals su na terenu rock/ blues rock forme, i ona poseduje starinski old schol šmek, a njihove pesme su prožete konstantnim improvizacijama, koje predstavljaju centralnu karakteristiku izraza.
Sam album je u tehničkom smislu apsolutno nesavršen, ali to samim članovima postave je u krajnjoj liniji  manje bitno.
The Marshals su i dalje na svojoj strani sa istovetnim stavovima i identičnim izražajnim pristupom.