Out of Kulmbach Germany, comes a quartet Adrenalize, originally founded in 2006 year. From the first days of its musical life, they wanted to play a good old 80’s hard rock. During the period of existence, they have suffered from some personal changes, but finally in 2015 year, a band started to record a debut album, and complete process has been ended in October same year.
„Adrenalize“, is a CD with 9 tracks in, done in mentioned 80’s hard rock mood. Combination of melodic songs and distant guitar backing phrases, can be seen in presented songs. A distant and strong playing, as same as well-done production, characterize complete material too. Most of the songs are done in mid, to mid-up tempo, with existence of some easier tunes. Judging by the 80’s hard rock standards, Adrenalize has done a good job. Worth listeners attention..
Iz nemačkog gradića Kulmbacha dolazi sastav naziva Adrenalize. Deluju u formaciji kvarteta, a od samog početka egzistiranja, a sve je krenulo 2006-e godine, rešili su da budu verni varijanti 80’s hard rocka. Imali su i nekoliko promena članstva, da bi priča dobila svoju izgledniju dimenziju od 2015-e, kada kreću u realizaciju snimanja albuma. To se sve uspešno završilo oktobra iste godine, i njihovo debitantsko ostvarenje je moglo da bude pušteno u javnost.
„Adrenalize“ je album na kojem se našlo 9 songova, urađenih u pomenutom 80’s hard rock raspoloženju. Sam pristup sastoji se od kombinacije melodičnih songova, koje u pozadini „boji“ snažna gitarska svirka.. Čvrsto i sigurno muziciranje, zajedno sa dobro upakovanom produkcijom, karakteriše kompletno prisutan albumski materijal. Većina pesama je odsviranja u srednjem, ili u malo bržem srednjem tempu, a ima i nekoliko laganijih numera.
Sudeći po standardima 80’s hard rocka, nema sumnje da su Adrenalize uradili sasvim dobar posao, vredan slušalačke pažnje.
jan 8 2017
ADRENALIZE – „Adrenalize“
80’s hard rock – GERMANY
Out of Kulmbach Germany, comes a quartet Adrenalize, originally founded in 2006 year. From the first days of its musical life, they wanted to play a good old 80’s hard rock. During the period of existence, they have suffered from some personal changes, but finally in 2015 year, a band started to record a debut album, and complete process has been ended in October same year.
„Adrenalize“, is a CD with 9 tracks in, done in mentioned 80’s hard rock mood. Combination of melodic songs and distant guitar backing phrases, can be seen in presented songs. A distant and strong playing, as same as well-done production, characterize complete material too. Most of the songs are done in mid, to mid-up tempo, with existence of some easier tunes. Judging by the 80’s hard rock standards, Adrenalize has done a good job. Worth listeners attention..
Iz nemačkog gradića Kulmbacha dolazi sastav naziva Adrenalize. Deluju u formaciji kvarteta, a od samog početka egzistiranja, a sve je krenulo 2006-e godine, rešili su da budu verni varijanti 80’s hard rocka. Imali su i nekoliko promena članstva, da bi priča dobila svoju izgledniju dimenziju od 2015-e, kada kreću u realizaciju snimanja albuma. To se sve uspešno završilo oktobra iste godine, i njihovo debitantsko ostvarenje je moglo da bude pušteno u javnost.
Sudeći po standardima 80’s hard rocka, nema sumnje da su Adrenalize uradili sasvim dobar posao, vredan slušalačke pažnje.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •