Nešvil duo CJ Simmons čine Jessica i Christian Simmons, čiji su koreni u Ohaju i Texasu. Tokom proteklih godina CJ Simmons su puno puta nastupali uživo kao „predjelo“ velikim country zvezdama, a svojim solo albumom pokušavaju i u autorskom smislu da pronađu svoje mesto pod suncem.
„Forever“ je album sa 11 songova koje balansiraju između melodic rock tendencija, klasičnog countryja, country rocka, country popa pa sve do standardnijih pop tendencija.
Njihove pesme su melodične i uhu prihvatljive, a dobar deo materijala naginje ka tkzv. old school varijantama. Za produkciju albuma bio je zaduđen Grady Walker, zajedno sa Jessicom i Christianom Simmons, a sama produkcija takođe je više urađena po standardima nekog prošlog vremena, bliža psihologiji 80-tih godina.
Nashville duo CJ Simmons is made up of Jessica and Christian Simmons, whose roots are in Ohio and Texas. Over the past years, CJ Simmons has performed many times as a support act for great country stars, and with its solo album they are trying to authorize their place under the sun.
„Forever“ is an album with 11 songs in, that balances between melodic rock tendencies, classical country, country rock, country pop, and up to standard pop tendencies.
Their songs are melodic and listenable, and most of the material leans toward to so called old school variants. Grady Walker was producer of the album, with Jessica and Christian Simmons, and the production itself was also made according to the standards of past period, closer to the psychology of the 80’s as well.
avg 24 2018
CJ SIMMONS – „Forever“
Melodic rock/country rock/country pop/pop – USA
Nešvil duo CJ Simmons čine Jessica i Christian Simmons, čiji su koreni u Ohaju i Texasu. Tokom proteklih godina CJ Simmons su puno puta nastupali uživo kao „predjelo“ velikim country zvezdama, a svojim solo albumom pokušavaju i u autorskom smislu da pronađu svoje mesto pod suncem.
„Forever“ je album sa 11 songova koje balansiraju između melodic rock tendencija, klasičnog countryja, country rocka, country popa pa sve do standardnijih pop tendencija.
Njihove pesme su melodične i uhu prihvatljive, a dobar deo materijala naginje ka tkzv. old school varijantama. Za produkciju albuma bio je zaduđen Grady Walker, zajedno sa Jessicom i Christianom Simmons, a sama produkcija takođe je više urađena po standardima nekog prošlog vremena, bliža psihologiji 80-tih godina.
Nashville duo CJ Simmons is made up of Jessica and Christian Simmons, whose roots are in Ohio and Texas. Over the past years, CJ Simmons has performed many times as a support act for great country stars, and with its solo album they are trying to authorize their place under the sun.
„Forever“ is an album with 11 songs in, that balances between melodic rock tendencies, classical country, country rock, country pop, and up to standard pop tendencies.
Their songs are melodic and listenable, and most of the material leans toward to so called old school variants. Grady Walker was producer of the album, with Jessica and Christian Simmons, and the production itself was also made according to the standards of past period, closer to the psychology of the 80’s as well.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •