(Dan Siegel Music) 2018.
Smooth jazz/contemporary jazz – USA
Klavijaturista Dan Siegel je dugo godina u poslu, cenjeni je kompozitor muzike za film i TV, a tokom svoje višegodišnje karijere, zajedno sa aktuelnim ukupno je objavio 21-o albumsko izdanje.
„Origins“ je album, u kojem on ponovo sarađuje sa basistom Brian Brombergom,sa kojim zajedno potpisuje produkciju. Velika grupa izuzetno cenjenih muzičara je takođe participirala na izdanju, kao što su : gitarista Allen Hinds, bubnjar Vinnie Colaiuta, perkusionista Lenny Castro… „Origins“ sadrži materijal na kojem je klavijaturista radio nešto duže od godinu dana. 10 instrumentalnih tema balansiraju između kreativno i istančano vođenih elemenata smooth jazza, preko savremenih jazzy tendencija. Takođe, pojedine od ovde priređenih tema sadrže funk elemente, kao i bluesy i ambiental pastiche.
„Origins“ obiluje prijatnom atmosferom i izrazito slušljivim i liričnim instrumentalnim pasažima. Reč je o vrlo zrelom produktu ozbiljnog i kreativnog muzičara.
The keyboardist Dan Siegel has been in business for many years, and he established himself as a respected composer of music for film and TV. During the years of existence, with current material, he has released 21 albums.
„Origins“ is an album, where he again collaborate with bassist Brian Bromberg, with whom he signs the production . A large line-up of highly respected musicians also participated in the release, such as: guitarist Allen Hinds , drummer Vinnie Colaiuta, percussionist Lenny Castro among others ….
„Origins“ contains material on which Mr. Siegel worked for more than a year. The 10 instrumental themes are balanced between the creative and fluidly guided elements of smooth jazz, and contemporary jazzy tendencies. Also, some of the topics covered here, contains funk elements, as well as bluesy and ambiental pastiche.
„Origins“ deliver pleasant atmosphere and extremely listenable and lyrical instrumental passages. It’s a mature product of a serious and creative musician.
avg 24 2018
DAN SIEGEL – „Origins“
Smooth jazz/contemporary jazz – USA
Klavijaturista Dan Siegel je dugo godina u poslu, cenjeni je kompozitor muzike za film i TV, a tokom svoje višegodišnje karijere, zajedno sa aktuelnim ukupno je objavio 21-o albumsko izdanje.
„Origins“ je album, u kojem on ponovo sarađuje sa basistom Brian Brombergom,sa kojim zajedno potpisuje produkciju. Velika grupa izuzetno cenjenih muzičara je takođe participirala na izdanju, kao što su : gitarista Allen Hinds, bubnjar Vinnie Colaiuta, perkusionista Lenny Castro…
„Origins“ sadrži materijal na kojem je klavijaturista radio nešto duže od godinu dana. 10 instrumentalnih tema balansiraju između kreativno i istančano vođenih elemenata smooth jazza, preko savremenih jazzy tendencija. Takođe, pojedine od ovde priređenih tema sadrže funk elemente, kao i bluesy i ambiental pastiche.
„Origins“ obiluje prijatnom atmosferom i izrazito slušljivim i liričnim instrumentalnim pasažima. Reč je o vrlo zrelom produktu ozbiljnog i kreativnog muzičara.
The keyboardist Dan Siegel has been in business for many years, and he established himself as a respected composer of music for film and TV. During the years of existence, with current material, he has released 21 albums.
„Origins“ is an album, where he again collaborate with bassist Brian Bromberg, with whom he signs the production . A large line-up of highly respected musicians also participated in the release, such as: guitarist Allen Hinds , drummer Vinnie Colaiuta, percussionist Lenny Castro among others ….
„Origins“ contains material on which Mr. Siegel worked for more than a year. The 10 instrumental themes are balanced between the creative and fluidly guided elements of smooth jazz, and contemporary jazzy tendencies. Also, some of the topics covered here, contains funk elements, as well as bluesy and ambiental pastiche.
„Origins“ deliver pleasant atmosphere and extremely listenable and lyrical instrumental passages. It’s a mature product of a serious and creative musician.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •