(Broken Image Entertainment) 2018.
Alt country/folk/crossover – USA
Iz Los Angelesa dolazi sastav Sci-Fi Romance, čije aktivnosti datiraju od decembra 2008-e godine. Tokom perioda egzistiranja zajedno sa aktuelnim do sada su objavili 5 albumskih izdanja i nekoliko singlova.
Postavu čine : pevač i multiinstrumentalista, ujedno i glavni autor Vance Kotrla, Jody Stark svira čelo, a uloga bubnjara pripada Mr.Mike-u.
Sci-Fi Romance su bend koji žanrovski kombinuje elemente alter folk/countryja sa rock i raznim drugim graničnim stilskim formama, razvijajući u izvođačkom smislu jedan nesvakidašnji crossover.
Proživljeni i intenzivni emotivni tekstovi, kao i sam način vokaliziranja pomenutog Vance Kotrle u centru je prisutnih songova, kojih na albumu „Dreamers & Runaways“ ima ukupno 10, od kojih 9 čine autorski materijal, dok pesma „Wooden Jesus“ predstavlja cover grunge ikona, sastava Temple Of The Dog, prvobitno snimljen 1991-e godine.
Određene komparacije u načinu tretiranja same atmosfere i psihologije koju nudi njihova muzika idu do Nick Cave-a, ali evidentna je originalnost koju bend iz L.A.-a poseduje i to u ne malim količinama.
„Dreamers & Runaways“ je izdanje koje kada budete jednom čuli, imaćete potrebu da mu se često vraćate. Sci-Fi Romance su ponudili vrlo autohton i uzbudljiv materijal, a sam album praktično nema nezanimljivih ili manje vrednih delova.
Sci-Fi Romance is coming out of Los Angeles, whose activities date back from December of 2008. During the period of existence, together with the current one, they have released five albums and several singles as well.
The line-up consists of: singer and multi-instrumentalist and also the lead author Vance Kotrla, Jody Stark plays cello, and drummer’s role belongs to Mr.Mike.
Sci-Fi Romance has offered a genre option that combines elements of alter folk/country, with rock and various other similar stylistic forms, developing in a performing sense an unusual crossover.
The strong and intense emotional lyrics, as well as the way of vocalization of mentioned Vance Kotrle, is in the center of the present songs, which we have find a total of 10 on the album „Dreamers & Runaways“. Nine of them are author’s works, while the song „Wooden Jesus“ represents the cover of the grunge icon, Temple Of The Dog, originally shot in 1991.
Some comparisons in the treatment of the very atmosphere and psychology of their music led to Nick Cave and his legacy, but the originality that the band from L.A. possesses, is also not very small.
„Dreamers & Runaways“ is a release that once you hear, you will need to return oftenly. Sci-Fi Romance has offered very indigenous and exciting material, and the album itself has practically no uninteresting or less valuable pieces.
sep 11 2018
SCI-FI ROMANCE – „Dreamers & Runaways“
Alt country/folk/crossover – USA
Iz Los Angelesa dolazi sastav Sci-Fi Romance, čije aktivnosti datiraju od decembra 2008-e godine. Tokom perioda egzistiranja zajedno sa aktuelnim do sada su objavili 5 albumskih izdanja i nekoliko singlova.
Postavu čine : pevač i multiinstrumentalista, ujedno i glavni autor Vance Kotrla, Jody Stark svira čelo, a uloga bubnjara pripada Mr.Mike-u.
Sci-Fi Romance su bend koji žanrovski kombinuje elemente alter folk/countryja sa rock i raznim drugim graničnim stilskim formama, razvijajući u izvođačkom smislu jedan nesvakidašnji crossover.
Određene komparacije u načinu tretiranja same atmosfere i psihologije koju nudi njihova muzika idu do Nick Cave-a, ali evidentna je originalnost koju bend iz L.A.-a poseduje i to u ne malim količinama.
„Dreamers & Runaways“ je izdanje koje kada budete jednom čuli, imaćete potrebu da mu se često vraćate. Sci-Fi Romance su ponudili vrlo autohton i uzbudljiv materijal, a sam album praktično nema nezanimljivih ili manje vrednih delova.
Sci-Fi Romance is coming out of Los Angeles, whose activities date back from December of 2008. During the period of existence, together with the current one, they have released five albums and several singles as well.
The line-up consists of: singer and multi-instrumentalist and also the lead author Vance Kotrla, Jody Stark plays cello, and drummer’s role belongs to Mr.Mike.
Sci-Fi Romance has offered a genre option that combines elements of alter folk/country, with rock and various other similar stylistic forms, developing in a performing sense an unusual crossover.
The strong and intense emotional lyrics, as well as the way of vocalization of mentioned Vance Kotrle, is in the center of the present songs, which we have find a total of 10 on the album „Dreamers & Runaways“. Nine of them are author’s works, while the song „Wooden Jesus“ represents the cover of the grunge icon, Temple Of The Dog, originally shot in 1991.
Some comparisons in the treatment of the very atmosphere and psychology of their music led to Nick Cave and his legacy, but the originality that the band from L.A. possesses, is also not very small.
„Dreamers & Runaways“ is a release that once you hear, you will need to return oftenly. Sci-Fi Romance has offered very indigenous and exciting material, and the album itself has practically no uninteresting or less valuable pieces.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •