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(Musique est Equilibre/In Ouie Distribution/VeevCom) 2022.
Jazz/fusion/world music – FRANCE


Guillaume Dettmar is well-known violinist/composer, not only on worldwide jazz music scene. His works and performing technical supremacy  have been evident during entire career.
With his Dettmar Quartet he is these days and months again up with actuality, cos’ newer release „Escales“ is practically here. The world premier of mentioned album will be on 6th of May, 2022. Also, this new work will be presented on stage on May 3rd, 2022. at „Le Studio de L’Ermitage in Paris.




„Escales“, actual product, is an release with 8 tracks in, done in specific mood, acceptable not only for the followers of jazz and world music tendencies. With his team, he has prepared a portion of jazz/fusion works, with addition of Mediteranean influences, even tradional, folk or modern. A potential listener can enjoy in colorful soundscapes, clever arrangements, and unusual combination of jazz and world music views as well. Also,  followers of 70’s fusion/jazz rock variants could  find many brilliant moments and associations in the themes from the album.





„Escales“ is also full of constant up tempo changes, excellent and unique performing skills of complete band members, and there’s no doubt that creativity is a middle name of this product. This is also a release for the older and newer  fans of jazz/world music, so Dettmar and his team did a nice job.