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(Ma Case Production) 2022.
African music/World music – SENEGAL

These days I have a privilege to receive a fresh information from   Francois Bloque from „Ma Case Production“, about new album of well-respected Senegalese  kora player/singer/composer Ablaye Cissoko. He has released his 13th album with French accordion player Cyrille Brotto, entitled „Instant“.



Mr. Cissoko comes out from Saint Louis, cultural center of his country Senegal, and actual album „Instant“ suppose to be some sort in some per cent of experimental release, if we compare it with his previous achievements. Through ten presented tracks, we can hear one constant musical dialogue between kora and accordion, where many pictures and associations comes to mind. Potential listener, all of the time goes through different moods and different atmospheres, having the opportunity to see how the actors direct your emotions.




We can testify that the performing virtuosity of the two professionals, along with the psychological connection to the very concept of the prepared material, proves that knowledge in this case of African cultural tradition, with new world music challenges, ultimately shapes a very musically convincing release. And, it’s also important to mention, that Ablaye Cissoko incarnates the crossover between Mandinka traditions and contemporary musical creation.
„Instant“ as an album, also deserve constant repeatable listener’s attention, reproducing a musical approach that combines old traditional values with new tendencies.



