DIRTY SKRIB – „Dirty Skrib Covers The Classics Part 1“

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Alternative/doom/drone/experimental/psychedelic -USA


Out of New York comes a band/project called Dirty Skrib. They are experimental act, and after releasing a 1 full-length and 1 single, they have in their discography another EP, released these days, entitled „Dirty Skrib Covers The Classics Part 1“.



This could be a first of the serial of releases with similar concept. An actual EP consists of 5 following songs :

1. Sea Legs (The Shins) 02:43
2. WAP (Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion) 02:44
3. A New Day Comes (Celine Dion) 02:01
4. World Eater (Bolt Thrower) 03:16
5. The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton (the Mountain Goats) 02:01


The members from the band are :

Harry Malone / Guitar
Ethan Roy / Bass
Zoot Suit Mulligan / Synth
Randy “Four Skins” Bobandy / Percussion
Patrick Casbar / Vox




All the arrangements and versions of the  songs are different from original, with some chaotic and confusing performing including. But aspects of originality, done by members of Dirty Skrib is evident and defined. Check ‘ em out, entering in their „Bandcamp“ page.

