JARL – „Mindrotation“

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(Zoharum) 2022.
Electronic/dark ambient – SWEDEN

Erik Jarl is Swedish electronic musician/artists, whose longer activity on worldwide electronic scene is well-known. He has released a numerous of albums/projects, and actual „Mindrotation“ is 6th done for „Zoharum“ label.



„Mind Rotation“ consists of five parts, conceptually treated as a harmonious whole. „Mindrotation“ also deals with the human psyche, this time by turning inwards. Sounds from the album touches the psychedelic ambient, dark wave traces, where some parts of material knows to associate on 80’s period of previous century. The motoricity and rhythmicity of the music itself, is secondary to the general atmosphere of the arrangement, which represent the dominant factor of the complete presented material. Certain sonic comparisons in some segments also lead to the works of Tangerine Dream, but in this case from the Swedish artist it is a compliment, which does not negatively affect on his creativity.
„Mindrotation“ could be an interesting release for listeners, both for older and younger followers of electronic tendencies.





