MATT O’REE BAND – „Hand In Glove“

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(Self-released/Hemifran) 2022.
Blues rock/rock/southern rock -USA

Guitarist Matt O’ Ree is known to wider worldwide audience as a musician  who join rock legends Bon Jovi as their guitarist and backing vocalist on their 2015 stadium tour of the Far East. But he’s career with the band is also I would not say impressive, but certainly appreciated and noticed, equally by the audience, musicians and people who have a critical attitude towards musical values.




„Hand In Glove“ is actual release from December 2022. album where we can find 11 tracks in. Matt and female singer Eryn lead the group, which presented a wide spectrum with a complete band of performing ideas through arranged songs.And I would add that there is an interesting, but at the same time experienced combination of older and never approaches to well-known stylistic forms.




Blues rock, rock and southern rock, together with the period of the 70’s of the previous century, „collide“ with the present moment. And the final result show that this band does very well in the music itself, and the approach behind it. This is pretty listenable album, also in many moments „recalls“ some older good times.
Undoubtedly, „Hand In Glove“ is a recommended release, which I believe also provides an effective experience to the audience in concert form.