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(Total Metal Records) 2020.
Thrash/power metal – GERMANY

As many of you well-know, Necronomicon are one of the pioneers of the German thrash metal scene. They are known for their uncompromising playing, as well as their constant performer’s affinity with power metal tendencies.


„Invictus“ is their 7th album from 2012 year, reissued in 2020, with bonus track „Posessed Again“ ( unplugged ), remastered and also released on vinyl. Over the years, Necronomicon have gained the status of a respected band, whose concert performances can be quite exciting and convincing. There’s no doubt that the prepared material from 2012 has lost nothing of its freshness after 8 years. It must be admitted that this is not often case with numerous other reissued works, cos’ time can be a harsh and inexorable judge.



The mentioned reissued work has a different cover, which mostly realistically resembles their previously created designs. „Invictus“ may not have been the album from which many of those memorable songs came out, but the fairly evenness and coherence of the release, represented the most important segments, generally speaking.