BUKOWSKI BAND – „Juče/Danas.Yesterday/Today“

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(Minimalkombinat) 2023.
Electronic/synth pop – SERBIA

Evo jednog neočekivanog i vrlo intersantnog izdanja, koje će zasigurno zaintersovati brojne ljubitelje Ex-Yu electronic tendencija. Gorjan Krstić jedan od lidera ove grupe, inače osoba, koja je tokom dugog niza godina prisutna na ovdašnjem i internacionalnom „electronic“ nebu, obavestio me je o izlasku albuma sastava Bukowski Band, grupe koja je predstavljala pionire ovdašnje post new wave priče. Delovali su u periodu 1985-1986, objavili su jednu demo kasetu, a muzika sa iste, naravno dorađena , popravljena i „modifikovana“, koliko je to bilo moguće, našla se na limitiranom vinylnom izdanju, čiji je zvanični tiraž 150 primeraka.
Izdavač je nemačka kuća „Minimalkombinat“, a ovo dokumentaristički i ne samo dokumentaristički-arhivsko izdanje, predstavlja i deo važne istorije ovdašnje priče koja se vezivala za elektronsku muziku.



Reč je o „pitkom izdanju i muzici, koja puno toga ima od ovdašnje post novotalasne, ali dodao bih i same novotalasne priče, koja je u aranžmansko-tehničkom delu uspela da prati i tadašnje zvučne tendencije koje je žanr sobom donosio. Naravno, sve to ovde u Beogradu i Srbiji, nije se baš moglo i nije išlo  u korak sa produkcijskim normama i standardima, ali Bukowski Band su sigurno imali šta da kažu i pokažu.
Sama muzika sa albuma predstavlja kombinaciju electronic varijanti sa synth popom. Kada vokali uđu u „priču“ sam sound zna da podseti,  mene lično najviše na radove Yazoo-a, mada određena poređenja mogu ići i u nekim drugim pravcima. Tako to izgleda kada govorimo o vokalnim delovima, dok kod sviračko-izvođačke dimenzije postoji vidljiva tendencija da se kreativnost aktera proširi, da koncept prihvati ozbiljniji način tretiranja postavljenih ideja, i na samom kraju to sve zvuči i izgleda sasvim, sasvim zanimljivo, pa i uhu vrlo prijatno.  Iako Gorjana poznajem duži niz godina, znam koliko je posvećen elektronici i koliko je veliki poznavalac tendencija unutar pomenute oblasti, ali lično nisam očekivao da su počeci u kojima je učestvovao sa svojim saradnicima bili baš ovakvi kakvi su utisnuti na album.



Ovo je istorijski, da bude svima jasno važno izdanje, jer predstavlja realističan dokaz postojanja  još jednog sastava koji je na svoj način bio uključen muzički u synth pop vode i kroz svoje viđenje electronic tendencija pokušavao da kreira vlastiti sound, kao i da pronađe mesto pod suncem. Često istorija ispravi neke stvari, neke i pokvari, ali u ovom slučaju, svakako raduje egzistiranje jednog ovakvog izdanja. Sastav je vrlo kratko delovao i radio, imali su nekolicinu svirki, a deo postave je kasnije krenuo sa radom u Psihokratiji, koju je Gorjan vremenom sa saradnicima, a najviše sam na vrlo specifičan način oblikovao.
Ovo je vrlo slušljivo izdanje, morate ipak biti spremni na određene realizatorske manjkavosti, ali u ovom slučaju sasvim opravdane, i na kraju prepustite se zvucima koji dolaze sa ovog tehnički i dizajnerski mudro i kreativno postavljenog LP-a.






English version :

Here is an unexpected and pretty interesting release, which will surely interest many fans and followers of Ex-Yu electronic tendencies. Gorjan Krstić, one of the leaders of the group, a person who has been present in the local and international „electronic“ scene for many years, informed me about the release of an album by the Bukowski Band, a group that represented the pioneers of the local post new wave story. They were active in the period 1985-1986, they released one demo tape, and the music from it, of course refined, repaired and „modified“ as much as possible, was on limited vinyl edition, the official circulation of which is 150 copies. The publisher is the German company „Minimalkombinat“, and this documentary and not only documentary-archive edition, also represents a part of the important history of the local story related to electronic music.
It is pretty listenable part of music, which has a lot of local post new wave, but I would also add the existence of segments of new wave stories themselves, which in the arrangement and technical part managed to follow the sound tendencies of the time that the genre brought with it. Of course, all this here in Belgrade and Serbia, was not really possible and did not keep up with the production norms and standards, but the Bukowski Band certainly had something to say and show.
The music from the album itself represents a combination of electronic variants with synth pop. When the vocals enter the „story“, the sound itself can remind me personally of Yazzo’s works and legacy, although certain comparisons can go in other directions as well.This is how it looks when we talk about the vocal parts, while in the playing-performer dimension, there is a visible tendency for the actor’s creativity to expand, for the concept to accept a more serious way of treating the set ideas, and at the very end, it all sounds and looks very, very interesting and very pleasant to the ear. Although I have known Gorjan for many years, I know how dedicated he is to electronics and how much he is a great connoisseur of trends within the mentioned field, but I personally did not expect that the beginnings in which he participated with his collaborators, were exactly the way they are imprinted on the album.
This is a historical, to be clear to everyone, important release, because it represents a realistic proof of the existence of another band that in its own way was involved musically in synth pop waters and through its vision of electronic tendencies tried to create its own sound, as well as to find a place under the sun.
Often history corrects some things, and spoils some things, but in this case, the existence of such an edition is certainly pleasing. The line-up was active and worked for a very short time, they had a few gigs, and part of the line-up later started working in Psihokratija, which Gorjan shaped over time with his collaborators, and mostly himself in a very specific way.
This is very listenable release, you still have to be prepared for certain realization mistakes, but in this case completely justified, and in the end let yourself go to the sounds coming from this technically and design–wise, and nothing less creatively arranged LP.