NURNBERG – „Skryvaj“

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(Deadlity Records) 2018.
Dark wave/ cold wave/electronic – BELORUSSIA

A few days ago, I had opportunity to watch live in Belgrade the band from Minsk, Nurnberg, which presented itself to the local audience. There were, of course in the audience Russian citizens, temporarily or permanently working/staying in Serbia, and on this occasion, the band also promoted the current album from 2023. called „Ahida“.




I had the opportunity to have a pleasant conversation with the members of the group, who after the performance gave me a vynil edition of their album from 2018. called „Skryvaj“. So, here is a preview of this release, which includes 8 songs performed by the band in their native language. Nurnberg’s electro approach is based on the postulates of dark wave and cold wave tendencies, which have their roots in the mid 80’s of the previous century. Constant rhythmicity and melodiousness are the characteristics of the complete material they offered, and the prepared music itself, acts/sounds as a harmonious whole.


Arrangement precision is also visable, and the mentioned more pronounced melodiousness, represents one of the more important characteristics of their general approach.
Pay attention to this band and listen to their other releases on „Bandcamp“ and other streaming platforms.