1000DEAD – „1000Dead“

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(Metal Scrap Records) 2017.
Death/thrash metal – GREECE


One of the groups whose album was released on the renowned Ukrainian label „Metal Scrap Records“ is a Greek trio called 1000Dead. It must be admitted that they have an interesting name, and the group comes from the known island of Crete, and the town of Rethymno. They were formed in 2013, and presented themselves discographically in 2014, with the „3-song Promo“ release.



Their „S/t“ full-length work was released in 2017, and contained 11 songs. The Greek fellows perform a brutal variety of death metal with strong thrash influences. But that’s not all that goes through their sound. Their approach is neither simple nor basic, and power metal tendencies and hidden progressive metal variants also occupy a lot of space in the arranged songs. The motorcity of the songs is constantly changing, as well as the non-standard combination of growl and screamo vocalization. The songs are intense and energetic enough, and the arrangements are quite colorful, for the sound produced by such an extreme metal band. It should also be noted that the material is designed and laid out in such a way, that it deserves more frequent hearings and a general analytical approach.



1000Dead have shown that they are a sufficiently modern band within the death/thrash variations, and that their style is adaptable to both newer and older supporters of the mentioned genre tendencies.







