(Island Records/Universal Music Serbia) 2023.
Rock/rock pop – USA
Demi Lovato je kantautorka, glumica, izuzetno popularna u Sjedinjenim Državama, kako bi rekli pravi primer celebrity osobe, koja je od ranijih tinejdžerskih dana prisutna na velikoj pozornici. U medijima je konstantno aktuelna i njena karijera, a kao i privatan život koji su pod stalnom lupom javnosti.
Što se tiče njene muzičke karijere, prvi album „Don’t Forget“ objavila je 2008-e godine, a pored ne malog broja singlova i EP-a, zajedno sa aktuelnim ostvarenjem, kroz svoju diskografiju uknjižila je 10 albuma. Dakle, aktuelno izdanje, objavljeno i kao LP, CD i dostupno na digitalnim platformama, naziva „Revamped“ je njen deseti po redu full-length produkt, i nešto novo pod „kapom nebeskom“ što se tiče njene karijere – 10 pesama prethodno objavljenih tokom godina , su ponovo snimljene/realizovane i dobile su jednu „rokičniju“ formu, ili da dodam više izraženu rock dimenziju, te ovim putem Demi na neki način odaje „počast“ svojoj posvećenosti rock pristupu kao žanrovskoj formi i kako ona sama kaže „tvrđim“ oblicima pomenutog izraza.
Uz pomoć troje producenata sami songovi jesu dobili na jednoj „proširenijoj“, slobodnijoj izražajnoj varijanti, vokalno raspevanijoj, aranžmanski donekle obogaćenijoj. Sam sound više odgovara nekom njenom viđenju više elektronskog načina tretiranja rock sounda i upliva elektronske varijante, gde prisutnost i uloga gitara imaju manje primetnu ulogu i značaj. No, to je bio njen izbor, očigledno i postavljen koncept, koji je vidljiv od prve do poslednje kompozicije. Dodao bih da „zvučna širina“ i „zvučna raspostranjenost“ zna da podseti na 90-te godine i period kada su kroz muziku sastava sa snažnim pop prefiksom, pre svega kroz produkcijsko/aranžmanski segment dodavani rock elementi, koji su imali za cilj da krajnju sliku muzičke ponude određenog sastava/artista dovedu do izraženije rock, nazovimo to – poruke. Demine vokalne role su ubedljive , prisutna energija pri interpretaciji impresivna, i u tehničkom smislu jasno je da su sve stvari dovedene do perfekcionizma. Nisam siguran da će sama publika koja u velikom broju prati Demi Lovato samo izdanje tretirati kao značajniji pomak u rock vode, jer je ovde zapravo više reč o nekoj vrsti izvođačkog kompromisa koji prikazuje „oštrije“ iskorake pevačice, ali koji se u konačnoj varijanti ne izdvajaju previše od njenog ranije priređenog i prikazanog muzičkog nasleđa.
„Revamped“ u tom smislu ne donosi toliko novog u stilskom iskoraku, ali i ne udaljava njen pristup od onoga što javnost očekuje od ovako postavljenih pesama, pa i generalno karijere.
English version :
Demi Lovato is a singer-songwriter, actress, extremely popular in the United States, so to speak, a true example of a celebrity, who has been on the big screen since her early teenage days. Her career is constantly present in the media, as well as her private life, which are under constant public attention.
If we speak about her musical career, she released her first album „Don’t Forget“ in 2008, and in addition to a large number of singles and EP’s, along with her current work, she has recorded 10 albums in her discography. So, the actual album, released as an LP, CD and available on digital platforms, called „Revamped“ is her tenth full-length product in a row, and something new under the „cap of heaven“, as far as her career is concerned – 10 songs previously released during years, were re-recorded/realized and got a more „rocking“ form, or should I add a more pronounced rock dimension, and in this way Demi in some ways pays „tribute“ to her commitment to the rock approach as a genre form and, as she herself says, „harder“ forms off the mentioned expression.
With the help of three producers, the songs themselves were given a more „expanded“, freer expressive version, more vocally sung, somewhat richer in arrangement. The sound itself corresponds more to her vision of a more electronic way of treating rock sound and the influence of the electronic variety, where the presence and role of guitars have a less noticeable role and importance. But that was her choice, obviously a set concept, which is visible from the first to the last composition. I would add that „sound picturesqueness“ and „sound distribution“ can remind of the 90’s and the period when rock elements were added through the music of bands with a strong pop prefix, primarily through the production/arrangement segment, which aimed to the image of the musical offers a certain band/artist lead to a more pronounced rock, let’s call it – message. Demi’s vocal roles are convincing, the energy present in the interpretation is impressive, and in the technical sense it is clear that everything has been brought to perfection. I am not sure that the audience that follows Demi Lovato in large numbers will treat the release itself as a significant shift into rock waters, because this is actually more of a kind of performance compromise that shows the singer’s „sharper“ strides, but which do not stand out in the final version too much of her previously curated and showcased musical legacy.
In that sense, „Revamped“ does not bring so much new in terms of stylistic breakthrough, but it does not distance her approach from what the public expects from such songs, and her career in general.
okt 6 2023
DEMI LOVATO – „Revamped“
(Island Records/Universal Music Serbia) 2023.
Rock/rock pop – USA
Demi Lovato je kantautorka, glumica, izuzetno popularna u Sjedinjenim Državama, kako bi rekli pravi primer celebrity osobe, koja je od ranijih tinejdžerskih dana prisutna na velikoj pozornici. U medijima je konstantno aktuelna i njena karijera, a kao i privatan život koji su pod stalnom lupom javnosti.
Što se tiče njene muzičke karijere, prvi album „Don’t Forget“ objavila je 2008-e godine, a pored ne malog broja singlova i EP-a, zajedno sa aktuelnim ostvarenjem, kroz svoju diskografiju uknjižila je 10 albuma. Dakle, aktuelno izdanje, objavljeno i kao LP, CD i dostupno na digitalnim platformama, naziva „Revamped“ je njen deseti po redu full-length produkt, i nešto novo pod „kapom nebeskom“ što se tiče njene karijere – 10 pesama prethodno objavljenih tokom godina , su ponovo snimljene/realizovane i dobile su jednu „rokičniju“ formu, ili da dodam više izraženu rock dimenziju, te ovim putem Demi na neki način odaje „počast“ svojoj posvećenosti rock pristupu kao žanrovskoj formi i kako ona sama kaže „tvrđim“ oblicima pomenutog izraza.
Uz pomoć troje producenata sami songovi jesu dobili na jednoj „proširenijoj“, slobodnijoj izražajnoj varijanti, vokalno raspevanijoj, aranžmanski donekle obogaćenijoj. Sam sound više odgovara nekom njenom viđenju više elektronskog načina tretiranja rock sounda i upliva elektronske varijante, gde prisutnost i uloga gitara imaju manje primetnu ulogu i značaj. No, to je bio njen izbor, očigledno i postavljen koncept, koji je vidljiv od prve do poslednje kompozicije. Dodao bih da „zvučna širina“ i „zvučna raspostranjenost“ zna da podseti na 90-te godine i period kada su kroz muziku sastava sa snažnim pop prefiksom, pre svega kroz produkcijsko/aranžmanski segment dodavani rock elementi, koji su imali za cilj da krajnju sliku muzičke ponude određenog sastava/artista dovedu do izraženije rock, nazovimo to – poruke. Demine vokalne role su ubedljive , prisutna energija pri interpretaciji impresivna, i u tehničkom smislu jasno je da su sve stvari dovedene do perfekcionizma. Nisam siguran da će sama publika koja u velikom broju prati Demi Lovato samo izdanje tretirati kao značajniji pomak u rock vode, jer je ovde zapravo više reč o nekoj vrsti izvođačkog kompromisa koji prikazuje „oštrije“ iskorake pevačice, ali koji se u konačnoj varijanti ne izdvajaju previše od njenog ranije priređenog i prikazanog muzičkog nasleđa.
„Revamped“ u tom smislu ne donosi toliko novog u stilskom iskoraku, ali i ne udaljava njen pristup od onoga što javnost očekuje od ovako postavljenih pesama, pa i generalno karijere.
English version :
Demi Lovato is a singer-songwriter, actress, extremely popular in the United States, so to speak, a true example of a celebrity, who has been on the big screen since her early teenage days. Her career is constantly present in the media, as well as her private life, which are under constant public attention.
If we speak about her musical career, she released her first album „Don’t Forget“ in 2008, and in addition to a large number of singles and EP’s, along with her current work, she has recorded 10 albums in her discography. So, the actual album, released as an LP, CD and available on digital platforms, called „Revamped“ is her tenth full-length product in a row, and something new under the „cap of heaven“, as far as her career is concerned – 10 songs previously released during years, were re-recorded/realized and got a more „rocking“ form, or should I add a more pronounced rock dimension, and in this way Demi in some ways pays „tribute“ to her commitment to the rock approach as a genre form and, as she herself says, „harder“ forms off the mentioned expression.
With the help of three producers, the songs themselves were given a more „expanded“, freer expressive version, more vocally sung, somewhat richer in arrangement. The sound itself corresponds more to her vision of a more electronic way of treating rock sound and the influence of the electronic variety, where the presence and role of guitars have a less noticeable role and importance. But that was her choice, obviously a set concept, which is visible from the first to the last composition. I would add that „sound picturesqueness“ and „sound distribution“ can remind of the 90’s and the period when rock elements were added through the music of bands with a strong pop prefix, primarily through the production/arrangement segment, which aimed to the image of the musical offers a certain band/artist lead to a more pronounced rock, let’s call it – message. Demi’s vocal roles are convincing, the energy present in the interpretation is impressive, and in the technical sense it is clear that everything has been brought to perfection. I am not sure that the audience that follows Demi Lovato in large numbers will treat the release itself as a significant shift into rock waters, because this is actually more of a kind of performance compromise that shows the singer’s „sharper“ strides, but which do not stand out in the final version too much of her previously curated and showcased musical legacy.
In that sense, „Revamped“ does not bring so much new in terms of stylistic breakthrough, but it does not distance her approach from what the public expects from such songs, and her career in general.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •