Iako pretpostavljam da je jedna od važnijih tema razgovora među starijom populacijom koja štuje rock kulturu, aktuelni novi album Rolling Stonesa, ipak mnogi neće kriti zadovoljstvo zbog objavljivanja aktuelnog „live“ albuma gitarskog i autorskog genija James Marshall Hendrixa. A reč je o izdanju koje je svetsku premijeru imalo 10. novembra, naziva „Live At The Hollywood Bowl : August 18, 1967“.
Hendrix je sa Reddingom i Mitchelomom svirao pred auditorijumom od 17 000 duša, a sve se to dešavalo nepunih pet dana pre izlaska debi izdanja sastava, „Are You Experienced?“. A to znači da prisutni auditorijum uglavnom nije znao šta ga očekuje, kako od gitariste, sastava, same muzike, imidža i drugih neizostavnih propratnih detalja. Smatra se inače u krugovima koji su dobro informisani o snimcima Jimi Hendrixa, da je ovaj materijal bio uglavnom tokom svih ovih godina manje dostupan, ili gotovo potpuno nedostupan potencijalnim bootlegerima, a samim tim je i pojavljivanje i puštanje u „etar“ snimaka, kao i na CD-u, LP-u, pored digitalnih varijanti, pravi poklon za ne samo poštovaoce lika i dela gitariste, već i brojnu internacionalnu slušalačku, kao i stručnu javnost. Evo kako je izgledala lista songova koji su se našli na izdanju :
1) Introduction
2) Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
3) Killing Floor
4) The Wind Cries Mary
5) Foxey Lady
6) Catfish Blues
Side Two
7) Fire
8) Like a Rolling Stone
9) Purple Haze
10) Wild Thing
Producenti su bili : Janie Hendrix, Eddie Kramer, & John McDermott for Experience Hendrix, L.L.C.
Sam nastup tria bio je vrlo ubedljiv, ne ni naročito energičan ili divlji, kakva je bila većina onih uspešnih, ali nikako nije bio manje kvalitetan ili nezanimljiv. „Killing Floor“ je zvučao sjajno, kao i Dylanova „Like A Rolling Stone“. „Foxey Lady“, koja je nešto kasnije izmenjena u „Foxy Lady“ izuzetno je inspirativno otkrivala gitarističke trikove Hendrixa, kao uostalom i „Fire“, a pomenute numere su tokom kompletne karijere predstavljale jedne od vodećih „live“ aduta. „The Wind Cries Mary“ je ovde „doživela“ jednu od svojih najboljih „direktnih“ verzija“, no kompletan materijal zaslužuje samo pohvalne epitete.
Ovo je materijal izvučen kako bi naš narod rekao iz „naftalina“ ili podruma, ali je naravno maksimalno tehnički doteran i dostupan javnosti na uvid. Na ogromno zadoovoljstvo naročito onih, među kojima spada i moja malenkost, koja ovog umetnika i njegove radove smatraju jednim od najznačajnijih kada govorimo o rock kulturi 20-tog veka.
English version :
Although I assume that one of the more important topics of conversation among the older population that worships rock culture is the current new Rolling Stones album, many will not hide their pleasure about the release off the actual „live“ album of guitar and author genius James Marshall Hendrix. And we are talking about the release that had its world premiere on November 10th, called „Live At Hollywood Bowl:August 18, 1967“.
Hendrix played with Redding and Mitchell in front of an auditorium of 17 000 souls, and all this happened less than five days before the release of the band’s debut album, „Are You Experienced?“. And that means that the present audience mostly did not know what to expect from the guitarist, the compositions, the music itself, the image and other essential accompanying details. It is considered otherwise in the circles that are well informed about Hendrix’s recordings, that this material was generally less available during all these years, or almost completely unavailable to potential bootleggers, and therefore the appearance and release of the recordings, as well as on CD, LP, in addition to digital versions, it is a real gift for not only admirers of the character and works of the guitarist, but also a large number of international listeners, as well as the professional public. Here is the track list :
1) Introduction
2) Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
3) Killing Floor
4) The Wind Cries Mary
5) Foxey Lady
6) Catfish Blues
Side Two
7) Fire
8) Like a Rolling Stone
9) Purple Haze
10) Wild Thing
Produced by : Janie Hendrix, Eddie Kramer & John McDermott, for „Experience Hendrix“, L.L.C.
The performance of the trio was very convincing, not particularly energetic or wild, as most of the successful ones were, bit it was no means of low quality of uninteresting. „Killing Floor“ sounded great, as did Dylan’s „Like A Rolling Stone“. „Foxey Lady“, which was changed to „Foxy Lady“ a little later, revealed Hendrix’s guitar tricks in extremely inspiring way, as well as „Fire“, and the mentioned tracks represented one of the leading „live“ trump cards during his entire career. „The Wind Cries Mary“, here „experienced“ one of its best „direct“ versions, but the entire material deserves only praiseworthy epithets.
This is material pulled out, as our people used to say, from the „mothball“ or basement, but of course it is technically polished to the maximum and available for the public to view. To the immense satisfaction of those, including myself who consider this artist and his works to be one of the most significant, when it comes to rock culture of the 20th century.
nov 14 2023
JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE -„Live At The Hollywood Bowl:August 18, 1967“
(Legacy) 2023.
70’s rock/acid rock/blues rock/psychedelic
Iako pretpostavljam da je jedna od važnijih tema razgovora među starijom populacijom koja štuje rock kulturu, aktuelni novi album Rolling Stonesa, ipak mnogi neće kriti zadovoljstvo zbog objavljivanja aktuelnog „live“ albuma gitarskog i autorskog genija James Marshall Hendrixa. A reč je o izdanju koje je svetsku premijeru imalo 10. novembra, naziva „Live At The Hollywood Bowl : August 18, 1967“.
Hendrix je sa Reddingom i Mitchelomom svirao pred auditorijumom od 17 000 duša, a sve se to dešavalo nepunih pet dana pre izlaska debi izdanja sastava, „Are You Experienced?“. A to znači da prisutni auditorijum uglavnom nije znao šta ga očekuje, kako od gitariste, sastava, same muzike, imidža i drugih neizostavnih propratnih detalja. Smatra se inače u krugovima koji su dobro informisani o snimcima Jimi Hendrixa, da je ovaj materijal bio uglavnom tokom svih ovih godina manje dostupan, ili gotovo potpuno nedostupan potencijalnim bootlegerima, a samim tim je i pojavljivanje i puštanje u „etar“ snimaka, kao i na CD-u, LP-u, pored digitalnih varijanti, pravi poklon za ne samo poštovaoce lika i dela gitariste, već i brojnu internacionalnu slušalačku, kao i stručnu javnost. Evo kako je izgledala lista songova koji su se našli na izdanju :
1) Introduction
2) Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
3) Killing Floor
4) The Wind Cries Mary
5) Foxey Lady
6) Catfish Blues
Side Two
7) Fire
8) Like a Rolling Stone
9) Purple Haze
10) Wild Thing
Producenti su bili : Janie Hendrix, Eddie Kramer, & John McDermott for Experience Hendrix, L.L.C.
Sam nastup tria bio je vrlo ubedljiv, ne ni naročito energičan ili divlji, kakva je bila većina onih uspešnih, ali nikako nije bio manje kvalitetan ili nezanimljiv. „Killing Floor“ je zvučao sjajno, kao i Dylanova „Like A Rolling Stone“. „Foxey Lady“, koja je nešto kasnije izmenjena u „Foxy Lady“ izuzetno je inspirativno otkrivala gitarističke trikove Hendrixa, kao uostalom i „Fire“, a pomenute numere su tokom kompletne karijere predstavljale jedne od vodećih „live“ aduta. „The Wind Cries Mary“ je ovde „doživela“ jednu od svojih najboljih „direktnih“ verzija“, no kompletan materijal zaslužuje samo pohvalne epitete.
Ovo je materijal izvučen kako bi naš narod rekao iz „naftalina“ ili podruma, ali je naravno maksimalno tehnički doteran i dostupan javnosti na uvid. Na ogromno zadoovoljstvo naročito onih, među kojima spada i moja malenkost, koja ovog umetnika i njegove radove smatraju jednim od najznačajnijih kada govorimo o rock kulturi 20-tog veka.
English version :
Although I assume that one of the more important topics of conversation among the older population that worships rock culture is the current new Rolling Stones album, many will not hide their pleasure about the release off the actual „live“ album of guitar and author genius James Marshall Hendrix. And we are talking about the release that had its world premiere on November 10th, called „Live At Hollywood Bowl:August 18, 1967“.
Hendrix played with Redding and Mitchell in front of an auditorium of 17 000 souls, and all this happened less than five days before the release of the band’s debut album, „Are You Experienced?“. And that means that the present audience mostly did not know what to expect from the guitarist, the compositions, the music itself, the image and other essential accompanying details. It is considered otherwise in the circles that are well informed about Hendrix’s recordings, that this material was generally less available during all these years, or almost completely unavailable to potential bootleggers, and therefore the appearance and release of the recordings, as well as on CD, LP, in addition to digital versions, it is a real gift for not only admirers of the character and works of the guitarist, but also a large number of international listeners, as well as the professional public. Here is the track list :
1) Introduction
2) Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
3) Killing Floor
4) The Wind Cries Mary
5) Foxey Lady
6) Catfish Blues
Side Two
7) Fire
8) Like a Rolling Stone
9) Purple Haze
10) Wild Thing
Produced by : Janie Hendrix, Eddie Kramer & John McDermott, for „Experience Hendrix“, L.L.C.
The performance of the trio was very convincing, not particularly energetic or wild, as most of the successful ones were, bit it was no means of low quality of uninteresting. „Killing Floor“ sounded great, as did Dylan’s „Like A Rolling Stone“. „Foxey Lady“, which was changed to „Foxy Lady“ a little later, revealed Hendrix’s guitar tricks in extremely inspiring way, as well as „Fire“, and the mentioned tracks represented one of the leading „live“ trump cards during his entire career. „The Wind Cries Mary“, here „experienced“ one of its best „direct“ versions, but the entire material deserves only praiseworthy epithets.
This is material pulled out, as our people used to say, from the „mothball“ or basement, but of course it is technically polished to the maximum and available for the public to view. To the immense satisfaction of those, including myself who consider this artist and his works to be one of the most significant, when it comes to rock culture of the 20th century.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •