„Blues i pivo“ je jedno od kultnih koncertnih mesta koje se nalazi u „Cetinjskoj“ ulici u Beogradu, a prostor je kojeg „posećuju“ i „obilaze“ i svojim nastupima obogaćuju sastavi i izvođački koji se bave blues muzikom, jazzom, funkom i sličnim žanrovskim formama. Glavna osoba ovog prostora, da dodam i poznavalac pomenutih žanrovskih formi Nikola Todić, tokom proteklih godina se bori i maksimalno angažuje da kontinuitet dešavanja u klubu poseduje konstantnost , kao i da pored davanja šansi ovdašnjim sastavima i izvođačima, koliko to uslovi dozvoljavaju ugosti i internacionalne aktere.
Poznati trombonista i jedan od pionira i utemeljivača modernog funka tokom perioda kasnih 60-tih i 70-tih godina Fred Wesley, sa svojim sastavom gostovao je u ovom prostoru na ogromno zadovoljstvo publike koja je imala prilike da posmatra ono što ovaj umetnik sa svojim saradnicima na bini kreira.Inače, duga karijera Fred Wesley-a, nalazila ga je kao učesnika brojnih sastava/orkestara, pratio je mnoge izvođače, bio je u grupi Ike And Tine Turner, vođa duvačke sekcije James Brownovog benda, takođe radio je sa Parliament Funkadelicom, kao i sa Bootsy Collinsom, te Maceo Parkerom. Nabrajanja bi trajala, a njegovi solo albumi, ili solo albumi sa sastavima gde je on u glavnoj ulozi kreću od 1980-e godine.
„Live In Belgrade“ dvostruki CD je inače prvo izdanje „Bluzika Recordsa“, koje će u budućnosti raditi na afirmaciji muzike koja se svira u klubu, a predstavlja snimak nastupa ovog duhom i energijom mladog 80-to godišnjaka, održanog 1.jula 2023. Takođe pre izvesnog vremena ovaj dvostruki CD imao je i promociju na istom mestu i prostoru, tako da je publika u Beogradu još imala priliku da se druži sa trombonistom i njegovom ekipom.
Na dvostrukom CD-u nalazi se 14 songova/numera, nisu sve vokalne, a sam način tretiranja muzičkog materijala koje Fred i njegov tim izvode, bazira se na konstantnom „upravljanju“ ritmičkom formom, koja vas konstantno drži budnim, tera na igru, pokret, i to tako traje od početka do kraja show-a. Zvuci sa američkih ulica, urbana priča jednog perioda modifikovana za sadašnje vreme, ali dovoljno atraktivna i danas, pogotovo kada je izvode rodonačelnici, malo koga može ostaviti ravnodušnim. To se oseti i kada preslušavate materijal, kojeg možete direktno nabaviti kada dođete u klub „Blues i pivo“.
Oni koji su bili na koncertima Fred Wesleya, prisustvovali su istoriji, a za svaku pohvalu je i realizacija, kao i objavljivanje ovog dvostrukog CD-a.
English version :
„Blues and beer“ is one of the cult concert venues located in „Cetinjska“ street n Belgrade, and it’s a place that is „visited“ and enriched with their performances by bands and artists who deal with blues music, jazz, funk and similar genre forms. The main person of this space I should add, Nikola Todić, a connoisseur of the mentioned genre forms, during the past years has been fighting and making maximum efforts to ensure that the continuity of the events in the club has constancy, as well as, in addition to giving chance to local bands and performers, as far as the conditions allow, to host and international actors.
The famous trombonist and one of the pioneers and founders of modern funk during the period of the late 60’s and 70’s, Fred Wesley, with his band was a guest in this place, to the great satisfaction of the audience who had the opportunity to observe what this artist and his collaborators did on. By the way, Fred Wesley’s long career found him as a member of numerous ensembles/orchestras, he followed many performers, he was in the Ike And Tina Turner group, the leader of the brass section of James Brown’s band, he also worked with Parliament Funkadelic, as well as with Bootsy Collins and Maceo Parker. The list would go on and on, and his solo albums, or solo albums with groups where he is in the lead role, start from the 1980’s.
„Live In Belgrade“, double CD is the first release of „Bluzika Records“, which in the future will work on the affirmation of the music played in the club, and is recording of the performance of this young 80’s year-old with spirit and energy, held on July 1st, 2023. Also some time ago, this double CD had a promotion in the same place and space, so the audience in Belgrade still had the opportunity to hang out with the trombonist and his team.
There are 14 songs/tracks on the double CD, not all of them are vocal, and the very way of treating the musical material that Fred and his team perform is based on the constant „control“ of the rhythmic form, which constantly keeps you awake, makes you play, move, and it goes on like this from the beginning to the end of the show. Sounds from the American streets, and urban story of a period modified for today, but attractive enough enough today, especially when it is performed by the ancestors, few can leave indifferent. You can feel it when you listen to the material, which you can get directly when you come to the „Blues and beer“ club. Those who attended Fred Wesley’s concerts witnessed history, and the realization and release of this double CD is to be commended.
nov 30 2023
FRED WESLEY & THE NEW JB’S – „Live In Belgrade“
(Bluzika Records) 2023.
Funk – USA
„Blues i pivo“ je jedno od kultnih koncertnih mesta koje se nalazi u „Cetinjskoj“ ulici u Beogradu, a prostor je kojeg „posećuju“ i „obilaze“ i svojim nastupima obogaćuju sastavi i izvođački koji se bave blues muzikom, jazzom, funkom i sličnim žanrovskim formama. Glavna osoba ovog prostora, da dodam i poznavalac pomenutih žanrovskih formi Nikola Todić, tokom proteklih godina se bori i maksimalno angažuje da kontinuitet dešavanja u klubu poseduje konstantnost , kao i da pored davanja šansi ovdašnjim sastavima i izvođačima, koliko to uslovi dozvoljavaju ugosti i internacionalne aktere.
Poznati trombonista i jedan od pionira i utemeljivača modernog funka tokom perioda kasnih 60-tih i 70-tih godina Fred Wesley, sa svojim sastavom gostovao je u ovom prostoru na ogromno zadovoljstvo publike koja je imala prilike da posmatra ono što ovaj umetnik sa svojim saradnicima na bini kreira.Inače, duga karijera Fred Wesley-a, nalazila ga je kao učesnika brojnih sastava/orkestara, pratio je mnoge izvođače, bio je u grupi Ike And Tine Turner, vođa duvačke sekcije James Brownovog benda, takođe radio je sa Parliament Funkadelicom, kao i sa Bootsy Collinsom, te Maceo Parkerom. Nabrajanja bi trajala, a njegovi solo albumi, ili solo albumi sa sastavima gde je on u glavnoj ulozi kreću od 1980-e godine.
„Live In Belgrade“ dvostruki CD je inače prvo izdanje „Bluzika Recordsa“, koje će u budućnosti raditi na afirmaciji muzike koja se svira u klubu, a predstavlja snimak nastupa ovog duhom i energijom mladog 80-to godišnjaka, održanog 1.jula 2023. Takođe pre izvesnog vremena ovaj dvostruki CD imao je i promociju na istom mestu i prostoru, tako da je publika u Beogradu još imala priliku da se druži sa trombonistom i njegovom ekipom.
Na dvostrukom CD-u nalazi se 14 songova/numera, nisu sve vokalne, a sam način tretiranja muzičkog materijala koje Fred i njegov tim izvode, bazira se na konstantnom „upravljanju“ ritmičkom formom, koja vas konstantno drži budnim, tera na igru, pokret, i to tako traje od početka do kraja show-a. Zvuci sa američkih ulica, urbana priča jednog perioda modifikovana za sadašnje vreme, ali dovoljno atraktivna i danas, pogotovo kada je izvode rodonačelnici, malo koga može ostaviti ravnodušnim. To se oseti i kada preslušavate materijal, kojeg možete direktno nabaviti kada dođete u klub „Blues i pivo“.
Oni koji su bili na koncertima Fred Wesleya, prisustvovali su istoriji, a za svaku pohvalu je i realizacija, kao i objavljivanje ovog dvostrukog CD-a.
English version :
„Blues and beer“ is one of the cult concert venues located in „Cetinjska“ street n Belgrade, and it’s a place that is „visited“ and enriched with their performances by bands and artists who deal with blues music, jazz, funk and similar genre forms. The main person of this space I should add, Nikola Todić, a connoisseur of the mentioned genre forms, during the past years has been fighting and making maximum efforts to ensure that the continuity of the events in the club has constancy, as well as, in addition to giving chance to local bands and performers, as far as the conditions allow, to host and international actors.
The famous trombonist and one of the pioneers and founders of modern funk during the period of the late 60’s and 70’s, Fred Wesley, with his band was a guest in this place, to the great satisfaction of the audience who had the opportunity to observe what this artist and his collaborators did on. By the way, Fred Wesley’s long career found him as a member of numerous ensembles/orchestras, he followed many performers, he was in the Ike And Tina Turner group, the leader of the brass section of James Brown’s band, he also worked with Parliament Funkadelic, as well as with Bootsy Collins and Maceo Parker. The list would go on and on, and his solo albums, or solo albums with groups where he is in the lead role, start from the 1980’s.
„Live In Belgrade“, double CD is the first release of „Bluzika Records“, which in the future will work on the affirmation of the music played in the club, and is recording of the performance of this young 80’s year-old with spirit and energy, held on July 1st, 2023. Also some time ago, this double CD had a promotion in the same place and space, so the audience in Belgrade still had the opportunity to hang out with the trombonist and his team.
There are 14 songs/tracks on the double CD, not all of them are vocal, and the very way of treating the musical material that Fred and his team perform is based on the constant „control“ of the rhythmic form, which constantly keeps you awake, makes you play, move, and it goes on like this from the beginning to the end of the show. Sounds from the American streets, and urban story of a period modified for today, but attractive enough enough today, especially when it is performed by the ancestors, few can leave indifferent. You can feel it when you listen to the material, which you can get directly when you come to the „Blues and beer“ club. Those who attended Fred Wesley’s concerts witnessed history, and the realization and release of this double CD is to be commended.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •