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(Musiques en Balade/InQuie Distribution/VeevCom) 2023.
World music/jazz/various genres

The international premiere of the release of the album by Amin Al Aiedy and his group called „Shams“, was on November 17, 2023. This young author, in addition to his role as a composer and arranger, is a player of the oud instrument, and the following musicians as a : Vincent Forester – piano, Matheo Ciesla – drums, and Jean Wache – double bass, who are members of his ensemble, took part in the realization of the album.



Amin Al Aiedy is an extremely educated musician, with a respectable knowledge of classical music and jazz. He was also former professor of music at „Institut Superiur De Musique De Tunis“. He worked with his collaborators for two years on the material that ended up on the album, where we can find a total of 9 instrumental tracks. The music from the release represents a kind of spiritual journey that unites Arabic and Mediterranean music on the one hand, and jazz on the other. The intuitiveness of the presented topics, all the time urges the listener to relax, but also to think, where it actually becomes clear that all the musicians together with the main actor, actually play more  with their „head“, than with their fingers. Amin and his team actually show with their musicianship, how intellect and virtuosity form an inseparable and extremely convincing combination, from start to finish. World music, jazz and ethno on this album are placed in such a way that by the performance of these musicians, a different formula was found, which in the end gives the listener a broader picture of the set concept and final idea.