(Coming MusicArt/InQuie Distribution/VeevCom) 2024.
World music/various genres /ITALY/FRANCE
During practically the last decade, Giuliano Gabriele drew the attention of the international public to his work through his artistic activities. He is a singer, composer, and attractive diatonic harmonica player. With his previous album „Madre“ (iWorld, 2015.), in addition to praiseworthy reviews, he gained the status of a person who knows how to offer something new, different and sufficiently exciting on the big stage of „World Music“.
The music from his actual new album, and his current work will be presented live on stage on Thursday March 21, 2024 at „Studio de L’Ermitage“ in Paris.
With a team of extraordinary and quality musicians, he prepared material, that through 10 songs, covers several expressive and conceptual idioms through the form of the mentioned „World Music“. Mr.Gabriele possesses a strong and extremely authoritarian vocal „energy“, which „places“ the themes of the songs in different spheres, where different levels of playing „events“ come to the surface. South Italian folk, Mediterranean influences are elements that are constantly present in almost every track from the release, where the playing’s colorfulness reveals a wealth of different conceptual musical advances. It should also be noted that all the songs have an unusual „pulsating“ rhythm, which all the time forces the attention of the potential listener and some form of constantly present analytical approach, which the main author and his collaborators distribute to us all the time.
„Basta!“ is an album full of strong energy and colorful performance solutions. There is no reason why, as active listeners, you should not „bravely“ face the author’s message and generally the music from the release.
mar 16 2024
(Coming MusicArt/InQuie Distribution/VeevCom) 2024.
World music/various genres /ITALY/FRANCE
During practically the last decade, Giuliano Gabriele drew the attention of the international public to his work through his artistic activities. He is a singer, composer, and attractive diatonic harmonica player. With his previous album „Madre“ (iWorld, 2015.), in addition to praiseworthy reviews, he gained the status of a person who knows how to offer something new, different and sufficiently exciting on the big stage of „World Music“.
The music from his actual new album, and his current work will be presented live on stage on Thursday March 21, 2024 at „Studio de L’Ermitage“ in Paris.
With a team of extraordinary and quality musicians, he prepared material, that through 10 songs, covers several expressive and conceptual idioms through the form of the mentioned „World Music“. Mr.Gabriele possesses a strong and extremely authoritarian vocal „energy“, which „places“ the themes of the songs in different spheres, where different levels of playing „events“ come to the surface. South Italian folk, Mediterranean influences are elements that are constantly present in almost every track from the release, where the playing’s colorfulness reveals a wealth of different conceptual musical advances. It should also be noted that all the songs have an unusual „pulsating“ rhythm, which all the time forces the attention of the potential listener and some form of constantly present analytical approach, which the main author and his collaborators distribute to us all the time.
„Basta!“ is an album full of strong energy and colorful performance solutions. There is no reason why, as active listeners, you should not „bravely“ face the author’s message and generally the music from the release.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews • • Tags: Basta!, Branimir Lokner, Coming Music Art, Giuliano Gabriele, Madre, Time Machine Music, VeevCom, World Music