LES MECANOS – „Usures“

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(L-EMA/InQuie Distribution/VeevCom) 2024.
World music – FRANCE

Today, Les Mecanos represents an unusual phenomenon and formation-conceptual group, which builds its entire musical story on the postulates of an older tradition. The team from Saint Etienne is made up of musicians, actually singers, who perform their compositions with the help of percussion, and it is a kind of acapella group, that combines several expressive idioms through its expression.


The release of the current album „Usures“ will be  22.11.2024. and before this album, the group recorded an EP and two singles.
As we can see from the press material, they unveil a captivating musical tapestry, at times frantic, delicate, festive, and committed. They use regional dialects and showcase rugged, frenetic percussion to convey a decidedly contemporary message and embrace a certain vision of the world and its social history.
Hypnotic rhythms and spiritual vocalization often lead us to African roots, which through this way of performance pave the way for the presence of modern tendencies within the offered expressive concept.


The album contains 10 compositions that combine tradition with modern connections, while the band members bring all their emotionality and energy with their interpretation,  to adequately „convince“ the listener that they are in the right place in accepting such a way of creative thinking.





