(Self-released/Hemifran) 2024.
Various genres – USA
Songwriter Michael Ward has been active with his band Dogs And Fishes since the early 2000s, although his career spans much longer.With him in the line-up are excellent instrumentalists, which gives a special flavor to the musical expression of this type.
The actual release is in some way politically charged album, where we can find author’s insightful observations, and musically more stylistic breakthroughs, such as rock, blues, soul, Americana… And from the first to last song, we can hear very convincing musicianship of the cast members, fluid arrangement solutions, as well as parts where improvisational intrusions come to the fore. In certain segments, they remind me personally of Little Feat’s way of thinking, but to certain extent, Michael Ward and his team had their own clearly defined path.
The energy of the songs makes the present material more exciting and listenable, which is certainly an element that the band can boast of.
dec 5 2024
(Self-released/Hemifran) 2024.
Various genres – USA
Songwriter Michael Ward has been active with his band Dogs And Fishes since the early 2000s, although his career spans much longer.With him in the line-up are excellent instrumentalists, which gives a special flavor to the musical expression of this type.
The actual release is in some way politically charged album, where we can find author’s insightful observations, and musically more stylistic breakthroughs, such as rock, blues, soul, Americana… And from the first to last song, we can hear very convincing musicianship of the cast members, fluid arrangement solutions, as well as parts where improvisational intrusions come to the fore. In certain segments, they remind me personally of Little Feat’s way of thinking, but to certain extent, Michael Ward and his team had their own clearly defined path.
The energy of the songs makes the present material more exciting and listenable, which is certainly an element that the band can boast of.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews • • Tags: Branimir Lokner, Brighter Days, Dogs And Fishes, Hemifran, Michael Ward, Time Machine Music