REMI GEFFROY – „Carrefour des anges“

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(CVE Prod/Modulor Music/VeevCom) 2025.
Various genres

The established accordion player and composer Remi Geffroy has a new album. The worldwide premiere of the album will be on 02/07/2025.
This is the 6th release of Mr.Geffroy, which as a performer and author likes to be reflected in different genre forms. Either independently or with his collaborators.



Through his music, he reflects different moods, different emotions and different ways of thinking, which conceptually do not have to be coordinated through the presented material. So, also on this album, where we find 12 themes, he faced different stylistic variants, from a softened atmospheric „story“, to ethnic content, Celtic influences and music that, through a more instrumental approach, leans towards his kind of songwriter breakthrough. The pleasant atmosphere dominates the present material, which was professionally performed by all the actors who participated in the realization.



Personally, I cannot confirm that Mr. Geffroy offers something new on his current album, but the way he performs the existing music, deserves attention and listening analyses.