mar 16 2024
(Coming MusicArt/InQuie Distribution/VeevCom) 2024.
World music/various genres /ITALY/FRANCE
During practically the last decade, Giuliano Gabriele drew the attention of the international public to his work through his artistic activities. He is a singer, composer, and attractive diatonic harmonica player. With his previous album „Madre“ (iWorld, 2015.), in addition to praiseworthy reviews, he gained the status of a person who knows how to offer something new, different and sufficiently exciting on the big stage of „World Music“.
mar 16 2024
LA SEVE – „Chlorophylle“
(King Tao/InQuie Distribution/VeevCom) 2024.
African music/World Music – FRANCE
La Seve are a quartet from France, which has three guitarists in the line-up, and on January 12, 2024, they released their second album in a row. The name of the album is „Chlorophylle“, and this group combines elements of African musical heritage composition in its own way, with World music tendencies.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews • • Tags: African Music, Branimir Lokner, Cameroonia Bikutsi rock, Chlorophylle, Congolese rumba, France, InQuie Distribution, King Tao, La Seve, Time Machine Music, VeevCom, World Music