(Self-released) 2016.
Melodic rock/AOR – CANADA
A week ago, I have received a CD from the good friend of mine – Yvon Serre vocalist, guitarist and author of M.I.C. (Made In China) band.
This is the actual 6th album of the group, previously based in China, but featuring the members from all over the world.
Yvon and his comrades are faithful to one sort of melodic rock/AOR approach, and all of M.I.C. albums had a similar style, sound, production…One old school views are also presented in material of the group, as same as atmosphere, comparable to good old days of golden 70’s and 80’s period as well.
Actual product – „6th Sense“ consisting of 9 tracks in, posses maybe a more melodicity than previous releases, maybe less hard rock includings, but kept a modern production work, and interesting arrangements too. Presented songs are pretty listenable, have a radio friendly using, and it seems that band succesfully combined one old school flavour with nowadays standards.
M.I.C. with actual album has showed that fresh ideas are, as same as realizations, still on its side. Recommendable!!!
Pre nedelju dana sam dobio CD od mog dugogodišnjeg prijatelja Yvona Serre-a, pevača, autora i gitariste sastava M.I.C. ( Made In China ). Svojevremeno je bend bio stacioniran u Kini, danas više u Kanadi, a u postavi su oduvek bili članovi iz raznih zemalja.
„6th Sense“ je kao i što naziv nagoveštava, šesto po redu albumsko ostvarenje grupe, koja je u muzičkom smislu verna tradiciji melodic rock/AOR škole. Takođe je u načinu tretiranja songova prisutan sasvim jasan iskorak ka old scholl varijanti , i pastiche preuzet iz 70-tih i 80-tih godina se itekako oseća dok preslušavate njihov materijal.
Sam CD se sastoji od 9 songova, ujednačenog pristupa i kvaliteta, a čini se da su pesme izraženije, melodičnije, nego što je to bio slučaj sa njihovim prethodnim albumima. M.I.C. vešto uspevaju da kombinuju stariji način muzičkog razmišljanja sa ovovremenskim standardima, i u tom smislu njihovo izdanje se može smatrati vrlo uspešnim produktom. Preporučljivo za pristalice melodic tendencija unutar rock forme.
mar 19 2016
M.I.C. – „6th Sense“
Melodic rock/AOR – CANADA
A week ago, I have received a CD from the good friend of mine – Yvon Serre vocalist, guitarist and author of M.I.C. (Made In China) band.
This is the actual 6th album of the group, previously based in China, but featuring the members from all over the world.
Yvon and his comrades are faithful to one sort of melodic rock/AOR approach, and all of M.I.C. albums had a similar style, sound, production…One old school views are also presented in material of the group, as same as atmosphere, comparable to good old days of golden 70’s and 80’s period as well.
Actual product – „6th Sense“ consisting of 9 tracks in, posses maybe a more melodicity than previous releases, maybe less hard rock includings, but kept a modern production work, and interesting arrangements too. Presented songs are pretty listenable, have a radio friendly using, and it seems that band succesfully combined one old school flavour with nowadays standards.
M.I.C. with actual album has showed that fresh ideas are, as same as realizations, still on its side. Recommendable!!!
„6th Sense“ je kao i što naziv nagoveštava, šesto po redu albumsko ostvarenje grupe, koja je u muzičkom smislu verna tradiciji melodic rock/AOR škole. Takođe je u načinu tretiranja songova prisutan sasvim jasan iskorak ka old scholl varijanti , i pastiche preuzet iz 70-tih i 80-tih godina se itekako oseća dok preslušavate njihov materijal.
Sam CD se sastoji od 9 songova, ujednačenog pristupa i kvaliteta, a čini se da su pesme izraženije, melodičnije, nego što je to bio slučaj sa njihovim prethodnim albumima. M.I.C. vešto uspevaju da kombinuju stariji način muzičkog razmišljanja sa ovovremenskim standardima, i u tom smislu njihovo izdanje se može smatrati vrlo uspešnim produktom. Preporučljivo za pristalice melodic tendencija unutar rock forme.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •