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BENNI_BILGERI_Bad_Boy(Wahn Records)2016.
Rock/classic rock/blues rock/funk/soul – AUSTRIA

Austrian guitarist, composer, producer, arranger , Benni Bilgeri is long-time period present on the not only national and local scene. His services as a performer, side-man, producer, has taken such a groups/artists as a : Go-West, Zucherro, Katrin And The Waves, Pointer Sisters.. to name a few. He is also a film music maker, and his rola in previous years music scene is more than respectable.
„Bad Boy“ is his solo effort, and also a product, where he has realized  songs in a collaboration with following musicians . Different vocalists, male and female, also were a part on a material from the album.

Mr. Bilgeri has offered one sort of musically mixing combinations of few genre variants as a : classic rock, 70’s/80’s rock, blues rock, funk, soul… Instrumental themes also are a part of this, very-well, and I would add modern produced album, with 12  presented tracks in.
All the songs are well played and performed by the Benni himself and other musicians. Even that some songs are different among them, one certain and so call expecting line are here from the first to the last tackts.
These days maybe, we can also call a Mr. Bilgeri’s product as one sort of mainstream release, but more or less, it seems that he has recorded songs just for his taste and mood too.

BENNI BILGERI ..Personal pictureIz Austrije dolazi Benni Bilgeri, gitarista, kompozitor, aranžer, čije prisustvo ne samo na nacionalnoj i lokalnoj sceni, traje godinama. Njegove usluge kao side-mana, gitariste, studijskog i koncertnog instrumentaliste, koristili su mnogi renomirani sastavi i izvođači poput : Go-West, Zucherra, Katrin And The Waves, Pointer Sisters..da nabrojim samo neke od poznatijih. Takođe je aktivan i kao autor muzike za filmove, a nedavno je objavio album naziva „Bad Boy“ sa ekipom pratećih muzičara, kao i „smenjujućim“ ženskim i muškim vokalistima /vokalistkinjama.
Ono što u muzičkom smislu nudi, predstavlja jednu kombinaciju rock/classic rock, blues rock, soul, funk elemenata, gde do izražaja dolazi njegovo sigurno izvođenje, takođe i ubedljivo muziciranje benda, odlična produkcija, i osmišljeni aranžmani. Isto tako predstavio se i instrumentalnim temama, ali se može reći da iz današnjeg ugla posmatrano, sam materijal je jedno mainstream ostvarenje, koje je urađeno po meri i ukusu samog gitariste. Pesme iako su dobrim delom različite među sobom, primetno je kako poseduju  prepoznatljivo liniju i dimenziju, kreiranu od prvog do poslednjeg takta.

Sa ovim ostvarenjem Mr. Bilgeri može biti u potpunosti zadovoljan, kao i potencijalni slušalački konzumenti, naklonjeni ovakvoj postavljenoj formi.