Melodic rock/classic rock/power pop – USA
Singer Jonathan Kasper is a veteran on USA music scene, and his career as a soloist and performer of cover repertoire has a long history behind.
With the 6 Ways to Live following band, ha has released album with 13 tracks in, entitled „In The Know“.
He has introduced to the audience as a certain performer, where the key element of his interesting field as author is classic/melodic rock as a genre, with strong includings of power pop traces as well. His songs also have 70’s and 80’s pastiche too, and one old school look take an important place in his views.
„In The Know“ is consisting of listenable materials, with quite pleasent productional work, and similar arrangements signiture.
Pevač Jonathan Kasper je dugi niz godina u kontinuitetu na sceni, a do sada se na razne načine ogledao kao solista i performer. Najviše izvodeći cover materijal, ali takođe i kao autor.
Sa pratećim sastavom 6 Ways to Live, snimio je album na kojem se našlo 13 pesama, naziva „In The Know“.
U bazičnom smislu, Gospodin Kasper i ekipa saradnika su na terenu classic/melodic rock tendencija, sa uplivima power pop varijanti. Snažan uticaj 70’s i 80’s perioda je takođe prisutan, i nijednog momenta nije prikriven.
„In The Know“ se sastoji od vrlo slušljivog materijala, prijatne produkcije, i isto tako postavljenih aranžmanskih rešenja.
apr 3 2016
Melodic rock/classic rock/power pop – USA
Singer Jonathan Kasper is a veteran on USA music scene, and his career as a soloist and performer of cover repertoire has a long history behind.
With the 6 Ways to Live following band, ha has released album with 13 tracks in, entitled „In The Know“.
He has introduced to the audience as a certain performer, where the key element of his interesting field as author is classic/melodic rock as a genre, with strong includings of power pop traces as well. His songs also have 70’s and 80’s pastiche too, and one old school look take an important place in his views.
„In The Know“ is consisting of listenable materials, with quite pleasent productional work, and similar arrangements signiture.
Sa pratećim sastavom 6 Ways to Live, snimio je album na kojem se našlo 13 pesama, naziva „In The Know“.
U bazičnom smislu, Gospodin Kasper i ekipa saradnika su na terenu classic/melodic rock tendencija, sa uplivima power pop varijanti. Snažan uticaj 70’s i 80’s perioda je takođe prisutan, i nijednog momenta nije prikriven.
„In The Know“ se sastoji od vrlo slušljivog materijala, prijatne produkcije, i isto tako postavljenih aranžmanskih rešenja.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Recenzije, World •