RUXT – „Behind The Masquerade“

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RUXT..Behinbd The Masquarade..CDCover(Diamonds Production/Nadir Music ) 2016.
Heavy metal/hard rock – ITALY

Italian act Ruxt is a newer band whose members had expand previous experience. Complete line-up posses previous certain musical life, and performing together in common group  is actual promising adventure.

„Behind The Masquerade“ is serious product, with 14 tracks in, done in hard rock/heavy metal mood, with strong 80’s influences presented from first to last song. They draw influences from groups as a : Dio, Gotthard, Whitesnake, among others, but also show enough original ideas. Most of songs are performed in mid to mid-up tempo. Excellent production and complete fine interpretations characterize its author’s perception. Fine album and also recommendable product.

RUXT..Band Picture