KASHKA – „Relax“

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KASHKA...Relax.CDCover(Kashkamusic /Hemifran) 2017.
Folk/poptronic /CANADA

„Relax“ is an actual album of Canadian  artist Kashka, released 4 years after her previous full-length „Bound“.

But during the mentioned period she’s put out several singles, an acoustic EP, and instrumental piano album too.
„Relax“ with 8 tracks in, is her most experimental album to date, with themes of human disconnection and feminism weaving through springy synths and cinematic string arrangements. Production knows to remind on 80’s synth pop and new wave era, and also on some of established artists from the past as well.

Undoubtedly interesting experimental project, with listenable tunes as well.

KASHKA...Personal picture

