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IMG_20181225_0001(Self-released / Hemifran) 2018.
EP CD/digital
Americana/acoustic -USA

Formerly known as a Katrin, singer/songwriter Kat Chapman, few weeks ago has released an EP with 4 plus 1 tracks in, simply entitled „Ep“.

Before actual Ep, Kat has recorded a 4 full-length albums, and toured across USA and Europe.

The latest release from the Kat Chapman Band, includes contributions from drummer and producer Jerry Marotta, guitarist Bill Dillon, and guitarist Duke Levine.

Kat Chapman..Personal pictureShe has a soulful voice and her songs has taken something from Joan Armatrading and late Boz Scaggs mood. We can find on actual „Ep“ slower and songs done in mid-up tempo, where lyrical approach touches her newer actual family-life experience.


