DRIVE MOYA – „The Great End“

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(Noise Appeal Records/Bite It Promotion/Sony Music Entertainment) 2024.
Dream pop/shoegaze/post rock/grunge – AUSTRIA

Drive Moya is one of the groups that in a short time, since the release of their second album in row, made after a break of five years from the release of their debut album, drew the attention of the critical public to their current musical thoughts.



They are a band from Vienna, and they work in the formation of a trio consisting of : Christian Jurasovich (guitar,vocals); Simon Lee (bass, vocals), and Philip Pfleger (drums). „The Great End“, album with 9 tracks, which had its world premiere on February 9, 2024 is release that requires an analytical approach and careful listening to the music delivered by this team. With clearly expressed performing, conceptual and psychological musical roots from the 90’s, the band combines in its own way elements of dream pop, shoegaze/post rock and hidden grunge breakthroughs. The atmosphere, the dynamics of the songs and the playing and vocal challenges constantly interwine and collide, which makes the structure of the songs themselves interesting and  challenging for the listening ear. It can be said that to a good extent the songs differ among themselves, but in general a clear concept and approach is visible, as the way in which the members of the line-up address the potential consumer. The „sound wall“ created by the band members is sufficiently convincing and powerful, that it is very  clear how the actors finally managed to realize what they imagined.
„The Great End“ can be treated as a complex achievement, but also a successful discographic comeback of the band from Vienna.