MICHAEL MENAGER – „Line In The Water“

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(Self-released/Hemifran) 2023.
Americana/folk/country blues – USA

Michael Menager is experienced author, at the same time troubadour born in East L.A. His discography is not large,but undoubtedly he is one of the authors/songwriters, who has something to say.



His first two albums „Clean Exit“ (2014) and „Not The Express“ (2016) – are musical  portraits from a traveller who has worn many hats along the way yet always remained a  student and seeker.
Actual one, his third release „Line In The Water“, with 10 tracks in, are sung with a heartfelt and intimate voice and resonate  with timeless immediacy. He has introduced with the tunes full of emotional pictures, and songs done in mostly mid, rarely mid-up tempo, where the guitarist’s „vibrant“ atmosphere, colors the structure of the prepared material. The album is „followed“ by an exceptional cover image – „On The Missisquoi“ by Thomas Moran work from  1875.



In his own way, this author combines elements of Americana, folk, country blues, finally offering his own specific „narrative“, in which he personally feels quite good, and conveys it to the listener in the same positive way.






