ZEIT – „Grollwerfer“

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(357 Records) 2024.
EP Cassette/digital
Black/death/doom metal –  GERMANY

Out of Leipzig, Germany comes a band Zeit, with a career spanning more than a decade. Until now, they have received certain recognitions for their activities, and their „borderline“ death/black/grind sound confirmed the quite respectable originality of the group members ideas.



And now, they have released very actual EP, with 4 tracks in, titled „Grollwerfer“ ,  well-known songs that got a newer, different, more challenging and stylistically modified „look“. The titles of the songs are : S/t „Grollwerfer“, „Bodenfresser“, „Funkstille“ and „Sternenklar“.



The songs are „polished“ with significant of doom, which is certain novelty, which is more pronounced than the presence of death/ black and grind variants. Pretty interesting, so for more information go to ….



