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Ukoliko ste došli na ovaj site/zine na pravom ste mestu. Ovaj mail slobodno koristite za predloge saradnje, slanje informacija, novosti i akcijama/dešavanjima koje se tiču vašeg ili vaših sastava i artista. Da bi bili sigurno da će informacija/informacije o vašim artistima i njihovom delovanju biti postavljene na site/zine, molim vas da uz informacije koje želite da dostavljate, šaljete i fizička izdanja (CD’s, LP’s, eventualno kasete) vaših grupa/umetnika sa kojima sarađujete. Digitalne varijante, sem u ređim slučajevima ne pokrivaju pisanje kritičkih osvrta/recenzija, informacija o radu, o realizaciji video klipova, realizaciji dolazećih koncerata/nastupa. Za pojavljivanje informacija o vama i vašim akterima potrebno je poslati fizička izdanja ( CD’s/LP’s/cass, ) na sledeću adresu :


Branimir Lokner

Bežanijska 33

11080 Zemun – Beograd



S, poštovanjem

Glavni urednik i autor tekstova Branimir Lokner.



Contact mail:   lokbis@hotmail.com


If you have come to this site/zine, you are in the right place. Feel free to use this email for proposals for cooperation, sending information, news and actions/events concerning your band or artists. In order to be sure that the informations about your artists and their activity will be posted on the site/zine, please send the physical editions/copies of (CD’s, LP’s, possibly cassettes) of your groups/artists with the information you want to submit with whom you cooperate. The digital versions, except in rare cases, do not cover  (for certain), the writing of critical texts, reviews/ information about the work, about the realization of video clips, the realization of forthcoming events/ upcoming concerts/performances…..and similar things. For information about you and your actors to appear, you need to send physical releases (CD’s/LP’s/cass.) to the following address:


Branimir Lokner

Bežanijska 33
11080 Zemun – Belgrade


Yours sincerely,

Owner and Editor-In-Chief, and writer of practically all articles,


Branimir Lokner



ENJOY, and let’s go cooperate!