feb 15 2018
KEPA & FREE SPIRITS – “Zaveštanje”
(PGP RTS) 2018.
Rock/fusion – SERBIA
Nedavno je u izdanju “PGP RTS”-a objavljen debi album sastava Kepa & Free Spirits -“Zaveštanje”, na veliko zadovoljstvo brojnih poklonika Smak ostavštine, kao i svih onih koji tokom godina prate rad Slobodana Stojanovića-Kepe.
feb 15 2018
Pi Jacobs (USA)
Los Angeles singer songwriter Pi Jacobs plays what she calls an ’americana bluesy rock thing’, one nonetheless edged by accents evoking her urban San Francisco childhood. Enamored of her mother’s rock and soul heavy music collection, she sang throughout school, picking up guitar, bass and songwriting as a teenager.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •