nov 20 2016
2014 winner of the Grassy Hill Kerrville New Folk songwriter contest, C Daniel Boling shares experiences from a life well lived in places as far ranging as Okinawa, Japan, and Padre Island, Texas. This balladeer and songwriter with the friendly tenor brings his well crafted story songs to happy audiences coast to coast and in Europe in over one hundred shows a year, from house concerts and listening rooms to major festivals.
nov 21 2016
Ćoškari u Zaokretu – 004 – Branko Rosić
Razgovor sa Brankom Rosićem u Zaokretu, Poznati novinar i kolumnista, pisac i muzičar govori o panku, Beogradu 80-ih, intervjuima sa poznatim muzičarima, fudbalu…
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Ćoškari •