avg 1 2023
„Saumlja“..EP mostarskog sastava Lopoč!!!
Nije tako česta prilika realizacije EP-a, na kojem se nalazi čak 11 numera. Ali, takav je slučaj i to je uradio mostarski sastav Lopoč, koji se na svom izdanju naziva „Saumlja“, predstavio javnosti sa 11 songova, interpretiranih na maternjem jeziku.
avg 7 2023
THE BLUE BUTTER POT – „Jewels & Glory“
(Association Art Force One) 2021.
Blues rock/garage rock/rock – FRANCE
The Blue Butter Pot are duo from Brittany, France, active some period with quite impressive results of their realized musical ideas. The proof is their 3 editions and realized recordings, which show a considerable degree of originality, or rather of originally set performing ideas.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •