apr 15 2023
„Daethbright“..second single of Swedish band Stone Of Duna!
Gothenburg, Sweden based band Stone Of Duna have released a second single, titled „Deathbright“. Swedish fellows are on the field of psychedelic/desert/stoner rock tendencies, and their sound connect mentioned genres variants in common circle.
apr 17 2023
„The Bear“ new video of Boston prog rockers OK GOODNIGHT!
Boston progressive rockers Ok Goodnight prepare their second full -length for June 2nd 2023, titled „The Fox & The Bird“. This is a concept album about animals and myths telling the tale of a drought-stricken land and two friends’ perilous quest to bring back the rain. As the story unfolds, the music moves from acoustic softness to electric heaviness, all the while depicting a bustling wilderness with vibrant sound design.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • New releases...new views! •