feb 15 2023
MATT O’REE BAND – „Hand In Glove“
(Self-released/Hemifran) 2022.
Blues rock/rock/southern rock -USA
Guitarist Matt O’ Ree is known to wider worldwide audience as a musician who join rock legends Bon Jovi as their guitarist and backing vocalist on their 2015 stadium tour of the Far East. But he’s career with the band is also I would not say impressive, but certainly appreciated and noticed, equally by the audience, musicians and people who have a critical attitude towards musical values.
feb 18 2023
VLADA JET BAND – „Fox Creek Sessions“
(Long Play) 2022.
Rock/rock and roll – SERBIA
Doajen beogradskog rock and rolla, eminentni radio voditelj, basista, muzičar i pevač – Vlada Janković Jet, krajem druge polovine 2022-e oglasio se novim albumom naziva „Fox Creek Sessions“, koji na neki način u izmenjenijoj varijanti predstavlja remake albuma realizovanog 2002-e godine, „Ko je ubio mrtvu prirodu?“
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •