apr 18 2022
ELECTRIC TOMB – „Defender“
(Self-released) 2022.
Heavy metal/various metal genres – USA
Electric Tomb started out in 2020 year. A key person behind whole story is author, guitarist/bassist/singer, producer Guy LeMay.
apr 18 2022
(Self-released) 2022.
Heavy metal/various metal genres – USA
Electric Tomb started out in 2020 year. A key person behind whole story is author, guitarist/bassist/singer, producer Guy LeMay.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • 1 minute review •
apr 16 2022
(Highway 142 Music) 2021.
Americana/folk – USA
Mr. Dan Weber is well-known name under Americana and similar tendencies music sky. He is songwriter who’s been described as „reminiscent of early John Prine.“ But, that’s not all. His musical knowledge is huge, as same as his experience as an author/songwriter and person who very well know, how the things are going on in mentioned genre’s world.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
apr 16 2022
(Noise Appeal Records/Bite It Promotion) 2022.
Post new wave/grunge/power pop – AUSTRIA
Out of Wien, Austria comes a quartet named Baits, whose career is actual a few years. Their debut album from 2021. „Never Enough“ has received important national and international attention, as same as worldwide airplay.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
apr 15 2022
(Nika) 2022.
Punk/punk rock – SLOVENIA
Uvek se radujem pojavljivanju i objavljivanju ovakvih albuma, naročito kada je reč o sastavima, o čijim prvim izdanjima i njihovim počecima karijere sam svojevremeno pisao. A takav je slučaj i sa slovenačkim sastavom Indust-bag, grupom koja je u svojoj prvoj fazi delovanja tada na republičkoj, kasnije kada smo se razdvojili na nacionalnoj sceni donela dosta toga novog i drugačijeg.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •
apr 15 2022
(Dancing Bear) 2022.
World beat/world music/various genres – CROATIA
Mor Roll, pravim imenom Vedran Šilipetar, je pulski muzičar, producent, svetski putnik „istraživač“ raznih muzičkih stremljenja, eksperimentator stilskih, izražajnih i zvučnih ideja iza kojih stoji, sigurno vrlo zanimljiva ličnost, koja je upravo objavila svoj treći po redu studijski album. „Dancing Bear“ je izdavač, a naziv je „AndaluzIstria“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •
apr 15 2022
Slovenački kantautor Domen Don Holc je tokom prethodne dve godine putovao po svetu, bio jedan period u Mariboru, snimao songove i spotove, družio se sa muzičarima i tražio inspiraciju, za nove muzičke poduhvate.
Ovih dana je „stigla“ i premijera novog singla/spota za song „Tak je tak bo“ (feat. Kent Nomo Orchestra), koji ujedno i najvljuje skori izlazak albuma.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Daily YouTube •
apr 12 2022
(HIFI Mantra Records) 2022.
Coldwave/darkwave/post new wave/synth wave – POLAND
Ekko The Strange is serious Polish artist,active some period very intensively. He has released his first LP „Haunting Me“ during the 2020. and has receives attention of genre’s followers and listeners, who are deeply in electronic world of music.
Actual release „Mystique“ with 8 tracks in, is step further in his career, and judging by musical views, this is an album, where we can find many newer electronic tendencies as same as many so call retro visions, but with strong artistic realizations and clever presenting ideas.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
apr 11 2022
Stižu nam novosti iz tabora prijedorskog sastava Eho Radar :
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Daily YouTube •
apr 10 2022
(Zoharum) 2002.
Electronic/dark ambient/dark wave/industrial – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
One of the fresh and newer releases of established Polish label „Zoharum“ is release ORD – „Withered Bones“. The man who stands behind album, project and music is Russian artist is Alexey Shipilov, whose experience is well-known for the followers of actual electronic/industrial tendencies.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
apr 10 2022
(Self-released) 2022.
Hard rock/rock/classic rock/garage rock/stoner – USA
Mos Generator are frantic trio from Port Orchard, WA, and in celebration of the 20 year anniversary of their debut album (released April 2002) they put up the the audio for the original CD release show from April 2002.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
apr 10 2022
Iz Madrida dolazi sastav The Skull Guru, koji se svojevremeno zvao Slap Guru. Formirani su 2015-e godine, tokom perioda egzistiranja, uspeli su da na sebe skrenu pažnju internacionalne javnosti, a uskoro očekuju izlazak novog albuma naziva „Sofar Nofar“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Vesti •
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apr 18 2022
ANDREW B VERSFELD – „Flamenco Serenity“
(Self-released) 2022.
Out of South Africa comes a new artist Andrew B Versfeld. He didn’t put any other relevant information on his „Bandcamp“ page, but these days, he has introduce himself to worldwide audience with 3 songs EP, entitled „Flamenco Serenity“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • 1 minute review •