jul 6 2021
Nikola Čubrilo Band u Sinnermanu..subota 10.juli. 2021!
U popularnom beogradskom klubu „Sinnerman“, jedan od najatraktivnijih mladih blues/blues rock gitarista Nikola Čubrilo, sa svojim bendom, vraća se u ovaj pomenuti prostor nakon pauze uslovljene ovdašnjim i internacionalnim svakodnevnim epidemiolosko-političkim razlozima.
jul 7 2021
MITCHELL MANBURG – „Laplace Resonance“
(Self-released/Hemifran) 2021.
EP CD/digital
Psychedelic/ambient/space rock/various genres – USA
As a solo artist, Mr. Mitchell Manburg is a newer name under the indie music sky. But, after having spent the last 8 years between Los Angeles and the Bay Area fronting bands, he has landed back in Oakland during quarantine, reflecting, writing, and refining his sound as a solo performer.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •