mar 3 2020
„Good Souls Better Angels“…novi album Lucinde Williams!
Novi album Lucinde Williams, najavljen je za 24.april. 2020-e, a biće objavljen za „Highway 20″/“Thirty Tigers“. Naziv je „Good Souls Better Angels“, i u dobroj meri tekstualno je politički obojen, „inficiran“ autorkinim pogledima na svakodnevna svetska dešavanja i negativne trendove.
mar 7 2020
MEJRAM -„Mejram“
(Kakafon Records/Hemifran) 2019.
Folk/pop/Americana – SWEDEN
Out of Gothenburg, Sweden comes a band Mejram, formed in 2016 year. Two females and two males are in the band, who has released a „S/t“ debut during the November of previous 2019.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •