nov 11 2019
„Sandcry“..novi singl ljubljanskog electro dub akta Darla Smoking!
Ljubljanski tandem kojeg čine : Brgs – drums, modular synths i Nac-electronics, ovih dana oglasio se novim singlom naziva „Sandcry“. Bend svoje aktivnosti u Sloveniji „stavlja u ruke“ izdavačke kuće „Kapa records“ , koja takođe stoji i iza ovog snimka.
nov 13 2019
BIANCA DE LEON – „Dangerous Endeavor“
(Lonesome Highway Music) 2018.
CD /digital
Americana/country rock/pop/roots music – USA
Bianca De Leon is established Austin, Texas based singer/songwriter, with 5 European releases and two worldwide albums – „Love, Guns & Money“, and actual „Dangerous Endeavor“. She has also been touring: Germany, Finland, Belgium, Scotland, Italy, Holland since 2001.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •