jul 3 2019
KUKUSHAI – “Pioneers EP”
(Self-released) 2019.
Alter pop/alter jazz/crossover – SLOVENIA
Iz Ljubljane dolazi trio naziva Kukushai, kontinuirano aktivan nekoliko godina unazad. Krajem juna meseca ove 2019-e, objavili su putem svoje “Bandcamp” strane EP sa tri numere naziva ” Pioneers”.
Inače to je njihovo četvrto po redu izdanje, odnosno četvrti EP, a diskografsku priču su pokrenuli 2014-e godine.
jul 3 2019
King Of The Tramps (USA)
King Of The Tramps is an original roots rock group, whose sound calls upon influences from modern roots rock, rhythm and blues, rock and southern country rock. Their sound has been described as ‘whiskey gospel’ and ‘midwestern roots rock’ by critics. The band has released 5 albums of original music, “Good People”, 2011, “Wicked Mountain”, 2013, “Joyful Noise”, 2014, “Cumplir Con El Diablo”, 2016 and “Wild Water”, 2018.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •