apr 5 2019
Bob Rea (USA)
Nashville based singer songwriter Bob Rea’s beautifully written songs move with the same delightfully adventurous wanderlust and incisive lyrical grit found in the great works by the likes of Johnny Cash, Guy Clark, Leonard Cohen and Steve Earle, but are built on their own unique, and impressively solid, musical foundation. Deeply rooted in americana, Rea’s extraordinary gift for melody and lyrics take his latest release, „Southbound“, to thrilling new places. Etched with universal truths and tinges of humor, there’s a strength and familiarity in „Southbound’s“ tracks that can only come from the kind of craftsmanship that’s honed through years of work, not to mention an abiding love of that work.
apr 5 2019
„Deathwish“..Adrian Blacka..novo izdanje..dostupno od 2.aprila 2019!
Srpski artist koji se odaziva umetničkim imenom Adrian Black, ovih dana je putem svoje „Bandcamp“ strane predstavio novo izdanje naziva „Deathwish“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Nova izdanja •