mar 18 2019
HENRY BATEMAN – „Hide & Seek“
(Self-released) 2019.CD/digitalFolk/rock- UKHenry Bateman is a newer name out of British folk scene, based in Leeds. These days, he has released his third album, with 10 tracks in, entitled „Hide & Seek“.
mar 18 2019
(Self-released) 2019.CD/digitalFolk/rock- UKHenry Bateman is a newer name out of British folk scene, based in Leeds. These days, he has released his third album, with 10 tracks in, entitled „Hide & Seek“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
mar 14 2019
(Self -released) 2019.DigitalProgressive/progressive rock-SWITZERLANDOut Of Geneva,Switzerland comes a band Cosmic Rain, whose story started out in the beginning of 2017 year. Soon after, a group has released EP named „Utopia“, written by key person, guitarist and singer Laurent Nigg.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Gone but not forgotten, International reviews •
mar 10 2019
(Self -released) 2019.DigitalPunk/hc/punk rock- CROATIAOvaih dana se na nekoliko regionalnih portala pojavila informacija o objavljivanju albuma pulsko-zagrebačkog sastava Ljepilo. Oni su ga priuštili potencijalno zaintersovanom auditorijumu putem svoje „bandcamp“ strane i sam materijal je dostupan za skidanje i preslušavanje.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • EX Yu, Recenzije •
mar 10 2019
Love Unlimited Orchestra je bio 40-to člani prateći orkestar Barry White-a,kojem je on dirigivao, uređivao aranžmane i producirao snimke. Love Unlimited Orchestra su pod White-ovim patronatom objavili ukupno 7 albumskih izdanja u periodu od 1973 do 1979-e godine. Izdavač je bio „20th Century Fox“, a numera“Love’s Theme“, bila je na prvom mestu britanske top liste hitova, i 10-om mestu američkih lista.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Vesti •
mar 10 2019
““James Brandon Lewis, A Jazz Saxophonist In His 30s, Raw-Toned But Measured, Doesn’t Sound Steeped In Current Jazz-Academy Values And Isn’t Really Coming From A Free-Improvising Perspective. There’s An Independence About Him, And On “Days Of FreeMan” (Okeh), He Makes It Sound Natural To Play Roaming, Experimental Funk, With Only The Electric Bassist Jamaladeen Tacuma And The Drummer Rudy Royston, And Without Much Sonic Enhancement.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
mar 10 2019
(Relative Pitch Records) 2019.CD/digitalJazz/free jazz/fusion- USABorn in Buffalo NY in 1983. tenor saxophonist James Brandon Lewis is a long time composer, recording artist, educator. With actual one, he has released till now 6 albums : „Moments“ (2010.), „Divine Travels (2014.), „Days Of Freeman“ (2015.), „No Filter“ (2016/2017.), „Radiant Imprints“ (2017.)
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
mar 10 2019
Gost je Nenad Marjanović – dr Fric, muzičar, novinar i pisac. Svakako najpoznatiji kao basista grupe KUD Idijoti i njihov glavni ideolog. Takođe, on je jedan od pokretača i online magazina Regional Express. Pričamo o panku, KUD Idijotima, Jugoslaviji, Istri, njegovom angažovanju u NK Istra i još mnogo čemu…
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Ćoškari •
mar 9 2019
Great stories take great storytellers. And if you’ve been to an Ascending From Ashes show, you might feel like you’ve heard a few great ones. AFA, a rock/metal quartet from New Jersey, bring tales of warfare and passion to life with an adept mix of lush vocal harmony and guitar shred-wizardry. By fusing strong songwriting sensibility with their energetic metal tact, Ascending From Ashes broadcast an accessible array of musical journeys.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •
mar 9 2019
(Darkscale Media) 2019. CD/digitalRock/progressive metal/progressive rock-USAOut of Bergenfield, New Jersey, comes a band Ascending From Ashes. They are quartet line-up, and started out career in 2007 year. During the period of existence they have released 2 EP’s, and few weeks ago actual full-length, entitled „Glory“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • International reviews •
mar 9 2019
Finski punk sastav Bob Malmstrom,koji inače svoje songove peva na švedskom jeziku, najavio je da će svoje novo izdanje , a radi se o EP-u objaviti u formatu kasete. Inače, kaseta kao nosač zvuka se poslednjih godina na velika vrata vraća i to već više nije nikakva raritetna vest u svetu današnje moderne diskografsje priče.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Vesti •
mar 9 2019
Makedonski gitarista i muzičar Vladimir Četkar, nastanjen u New Yorku, nije nepoznato ime kada je reč o soul/funk/groovy tendencijama. O njegovim radovima piše internacionalna štampa, a ovih dana je u centru aktuelnosti, jer je „pušten“ singl naziva „Joyride“, ( tačnije 7.marta), koji najavaljuje skori izlazak albuma „Going Home“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Vesti •
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mar 18 2019
Henry Bateman (UK)
Recently described by Spill Magazine as ‘perhaps the greatest undiscovered talent today’, Henry Bateman’s music falls somewhere between the worlds of ambient, progressive rock and folk musics; somewhere between Peter Gabriel, Neil Finn and James Taylor, with a virtuoso acoustic guitar style reminiscent of the likes of Nick Drake and Michael Hedges. He’s doing his own thing; at the age of just 22, he’s just released his third solo album ‘Hide & Seek’ to high critical acclaim.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Promotion •