mar 3 2019
Razzmattazz (Germany)
By now, the scene’s insiders see RAZZMATTAZZ as the new trademark for hard rock with ass-kick guarantee. The band is on their way to establishing themselves in the professional league.The lads have been thrilling their audiences all over Southern Germany and Switzerland ever since they came together in 2011. Their sound, related to AC/DC, ZZTop and NWOBHM make hard rock fans of all ages bang their heads. Hullabaloo and hustle andbustle – the actual meaning of the band name Razzmattazz- are guaranteed.
mar 4 2019
„WhIle My Guitar Gently Weeps“ … Beatles classic u verziji Yngwie Malmsteena!
Poznati symphonic rock gitarista Yngwie Malmsteen od 1. marta 2019. javnosti je uprilčio na uvid svoju verziju songa Georga Harrisona – „While My Guitar Gently Weeps“.
Objavio Branimir Lokner • Vesti •